Friday, June 02, 2006


So I get a call yesterday from a woman in my church. Turns out her brother is getting married next May, and will be home this weekend to talk to some photographers. He and his fiancee will be talking to my former boss. When this lady found out she said, "Well, my Youth Pastor's wife worked with her... how about you give her a call too?"

OK.. I have lots of wedding photog experience. However, it was always friends from college, or as an assistant for another woman. So he and I talked on the phone, and I explained that if they do come for a consult, I don't have too much I can show them. I directed him to my still-in-progress website so they could see what I do have. I also explained that I do not have the means to make them one of those coffee-table sized albums, but what I can do is take all of their pictures, and turn around and give them a disc, so they can have all of their digital negatives to do as they please. And all for 1/3 the price of my former boss, :)

They still want to see me! So tomorrow at noon, I will have prospective clients in my home. I better clean up today, light a candle and get some coffee going.

Today I am scrambling to actually get together a contract and a list of photos wanted made up. I also need to get some pictures printed, YIKES! So I will be spending some time today trying to smartly package something... anything, LOL!

So.... tonight while Nate and I are out between Walmart & Lowes, I will also begetting some things printed off. We are going to W & L tonight, b/c its finally time to spruce up the yard. We are going to spend Sat afternoon, cleaning up our flower bed edges, weeding, throwing down weed & feed seed in the yard. I want to plant flowers on the edges of the beds, get my window boxes up, hang some hanging flower pots from the porch & one in the yard. Yumm, I love this time of year!

OK, so yesterday I said that I loved PS. And no one guessed why... (giggling) Awesome! That means no one could tell! In the first family pic, the littlist one's head was transferred over from a different pic! She had a quick meltdown, so she was craying in that one... but it was the one I liked best of everyone else, and so I transferred her head over from another! Isn't PS just the best? I am tickled no one could tell!!

**I would love to show you more pictures, but it seems that Blogger won't let me upload any pics today... I've tried for a couple hours now. Such a shame!**

Another friend has asked me to complete a Father's Day LO for her, so I have nothing recent to share of my own. I really need to remedy that! I have some cute pics screaming to be scrapped!! I think I will spend all next week and get caught back up.... Have you all seen Gina Miller's new CD collection at SBB? Wow... so much! I can't wait to get my hands on it! Gina is just the scrapping-est diva ever. I have no idea how she manages to design so much in so little time, plus craft with her kids, plus scrap LO's every day! She must have more hours in her day than I, LOL! Props to her though, b/c it is all gorgeous, all beautiful quality!


Jody Knapp said...

OK, I lost my first comment so lets try this again.

One quick idea... My friend is also a photographer and hse does the little Kodak books for her clients so they can get their "album". You could always direct them there or make one for them? My friend usually makes them so she can add her little creative "flair". Check them out!

Anonymous said...

Hey,girl! Congrats on your perspective clients! That sounds great! You know your photography rocks...they are lucky to have you!

I love this time of year too. I'm a huge flower freak. Can never have enough. We planted some flowers last weekend and hopefully the rest will go in this weekend. If the rain holds out and we don't do too much partying for Ava's 1st birthday! Then need to mulch...does it ever end?!?!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the *interview,* what an exciting opportunity! If these people are smart, they will see how talented you are, and jump at the chance to have you do their wedding!

I never would have guessed the photoshop trick, great job!

Anonymous said...

Girl, If I lived anywhere near you, you'd be doing all our photography for us. I hope they see just how good you are. And having the negatives and the ability to pick the pictures printed is, as far as I am concerned, a bonus!
Good luck with the interview, I'm sure it will all go wonderfully!!

Amber Joy said...

you'll do great!

Christine said...

I BIG CONGRATS TO YOU ANDREA!! You are an amazing photographer.. and I'm sure you'll get the contract! ;)