Monday, June 26, 2006

Copy Cats....

I have decided to try my hand at the Memory Makers Master's Contest. What am I getting myslef into? LOL! They have never had a Digi MMM winner before, so I'm certain that I won't win. BUT! My overall goal is to have a page get picked up and pubbed. It was one of my New Years Resolutions... to be paper pubbed, and SHOOT if the year isn't already half over! So you probably won't see any scrap pages of mine for a little bit, since I am concentrating on fulfilling MMM requirements.

Seth is into repeating... he is a broken record these days. In the car on the road... "Car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car, car....." you get the idea. I know its his way of identifying objects and expanding his verbal skills... but man, do I need a new word thrown in there or what! Other word repeats are "apple, daddy, beep beep, See (Sadie), and (of course) NO!"

Oh! Props to my CT Gal Amy!! She jumped on the ball and immediately informed me of a copy cat freebie... Here's the copycat freebie...


And now here's mine again.....

Wow! What nerve! Anyways, thanks again Amy! I've already informed Stephen at ACOT, in case he wants to take any action against her, and I've already posted to her directly about it, both on her blog and on the site she was giving the freebie away.

Alright, now I'm steamed.. I should go harness it and turn it into creativity for my LO's....

ETA: Don't forget!! CHAT with ME tomorrow night at ACOT!! 10 pm EST!


Tara said...

ugh that just sucks about the copy cat!!! ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

I really still can't believe the nerve of some people. Well, is it nerve or outright stupidity? I can't decide. I can only wonder how people think they can get away with it seeing as how large a community digital scrapping is... and tight-knit to boot! I guess the silver lining is... You've made it, my friend! You're good enough to copy... that, at least, is an honor. :o)

Have a great day, Andrea!

Amy (abbysmommy)

Christine said...

As soon as I saw that freebie I needed to send you an email just to make sure you were aware of it!

Anonymous said...

OMGOSH! How lame!!!!!! I can not believe someone would blatently copy you like that. As with everything...the original is always better. ;) So i wouldn't worry too much.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...what nerve! Thank goodness Amy found this! Hopefully now they'll take it down. Have a good day, regardless!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with MMM! And that just sucks about the copycat. Yours is 10 times better anyway, but I'm sure that doesn't make you feel better!

Anonymous said...

. . .and her letters are even off center (check out the "c"). It can't even hold a candle to your kit!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What nerve!! Why in the world would someone do something like that??!!! And, then, to actually have the nerve to try to GIVE it away?!! I just do NOT get people like that!


Rose Farver said...

Well sorry you were copied but the quailty of your kit is far superior than what she came up with....I wouldn't download her kit if you had paid me! LOL...I really enjoy your blog, I read it frequently but don't ususally comment! Good luck in the contest!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! That's almost identical to yours! That's horrible that someone would do that. :-(


Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why anyone would download that one anyway, the quality of yours is like 10 times better as you can see by the preview. People have some nerve in the community. Let us know if any action is taken, i'd love to see people like this taken out.

Jody Knapp said...

OMG! That is unbelievable! At least it was a freebie though and she wasnt selling it (silver lining!) But still RUDE!

Anonymous said...

Grrrrr!! that sucks! Hope you'll make her stop!!

Anonymous said...

oySome people have issues... True fans know your stuff... yours is better

Anonymous said...

well hers is just plain ugly! glad you caught it tho! so sorry this happened to you sweetie! :(

Photopassion said...

That´s really frustrating! I can´t believe how people can do such things. Unbelievable!!!