Thursday, June 01, 2006

Growing Some Sass....

Are you a gutsy person? Can you stand up for yourself? Do you have a backbone?

Can you share with me? Can you teach me how?

Situations come up, where I get pushed around... and even though I recognize it and am steaming inside... I don't say or do anything!

ETA: I removed my vent... b/c it was a bit personal, and I feel I shouldn't have done so... I apologize to those who did read it, it was inappropriate of me...

So back to my original question... how do I stick up for myself? How do I grow a backbone? And you know what?

Onto other news... remember I took some pics of my SIL's fam on Memorial Day? I think I will share a few through the rest of this week....

All I have to say is... I *Heart* photoshop! Can you tell why??? I'll give you guys a couple guesses before I spill why!


Kristin said...

You must be really good at Photoshop, cuz I can't tell why! Oh, and thanks for the freebie!

Anonymous said...

We should create a mix of your problem and mine: I usually speak too much and without any diplomacy... Let's exchange a bit of my "big mouth attitude" with a bit of your "inside boiling-outside cool-spirit", and we'll be ready to face the world! LOL

BTW, love your pix, they're ab fab!

Laura said...

beautiful pics! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you love photoshop for the same reasons I love it- to get rid of snotty noses and make my hair looks smoother when the wind is blowing?? LOL
I hear ya on the "back bone." Mine comes out AFTER the situation is over. I hope everything gets worked out there! And if not, I'm sure there are some great churches in sunny FL that could use a great youth pastor!! :o) hehehe

My Life and My Loves said...

morning andrea -

getting a backbone can be more challenging as a christian - especially since you are a pastor's wife. I believe that we are often asked to lay down our lives as Christ did - but not everytime - because He didn't either. It's the graceful dance of knowing when and where.

in maturing i believe three things have been very key in learning this art. One was reading the book "boundaries" by townsend. Christian author - great book - highly recomment it.

next - being whole in my identity as a person. not needing the approval of people to feel good about myself.

last - john 5:19. Seeing and doing only what the Father is doing.

People need to hear no and God is continually using us all to shape and mold each other. If we continue to always say yes - what work in God might we be hindering?

All easier said than done. Knowing you need to grow in these areas is a great start. Not needing people to approve of you was very hard for me.

Blessings as you continue to grow.

And, as for the pics - my guess is being able to blend/soften or "mold" photos? :) Lauren

Julie Jewels said...

I am not a gutsy person at all! I'm a nervous wreck in any situation where I have to speak up for myself! So I'm no help to you at all! If you get any pearls of wisdom from your readers, please share! LOL
I didn't read your vent, but I hope you're able to deal with whatever is going on!

Gorgeous pictures! I love the parents in the background-what a great shot!
I'd have to guess with the gorgeous eyes of the little girl that you got a touch of red eye in there? Otherwise I have no idea what you photoshopped!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I wouldn't have ever guessed, the change is so clean!

As for your vent, I didn't read it, but about backbone...It is one of those things where you are either born with it or grown one through life experiences. I grew one, mind you, it took a long time. I used to be a doormat. Not so much anymore.

Anonymous said...

I'm going out on a limb to say you erased someone from the pictures. I missed the vent but I just want to say, your backbone will show up on it's own. No one likes feeling stepped on. You can remain a Christian and still be human. God forgives. He forgave the person who hurt you too.

Paula :) said...

This is only my second time at your blog and I have to say I like it. Thank you for the great gift too BTW!

My backbone is level. I will stand up for myself if is something I feel is very wrong. If it is some trivial and immature on the others part I usually just let it go. Life is too short.

However, if it is something of signifigance then you should always state how you feel and never take it back. By taking it back you are letting the others around you that they can take advantage of you. You should have never removed your vent!! Only by letting others know that they have crossed a line are we teaching them to respect us as a person. One more thing...always back up your reason for why you are hurt. Reason open peoples eyes as to why you are angry. Without reason people just think you are overreacting and don't see why you are in such a foul mood. I say go put that vent back.

Your pics are fabulous too! I love PS! I can't tell you how many photo I have

Anonymous said...

Great pictures.. Love them..

I think you removed someone or something from the background of the second picture. Not sure but thats my guess.. Beautiful Girl BTW..


Anonymous said...

Hugs cheekie monkey.

Jackie said...

The backbone will come!! It takes a couple of times of keeping it all in and wishing so bad you didn't. You are free to speak your opinion and free to have opinions that differ from others.

Love the photos!

Phyllis Renée said...

Love the pic of the kids with the parents in the background!

I agree with my life and my loves, Boundaries is a very good and helpful book. Another book that completely changed my way of relating to people (if I haven't mentioned it in previous comments) is How To Stop The Pain by Dr. James Richards. After reading it I wanted to share it with my entire church.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I'm in love with the photo of the parents in the background of the 3 kids. Stunning! Thanks for sharing your talent!