Monday, February 05, 2007


oh. my. word.

It is 3 am and I finally had to get up. I've never had heartburn like this ever. I've done nothing but toss and turn in bed burping such foul acidy- burps, and then doze. To only wake up coughing and sputtering b/c acid reflux was filling my throat and mouth.

I haven't slept really, but I had to get up. Hopefully my stomach calms.


Anonymous said...

Poor Andrea! The last trimester can be so hard on Mommy. Hang in there, it won't be too much longer. Just think how far you've come already. I wish I had some magic remedy to tell you about, but I don't. Hopefully someone else will be able to share something to get you some relief!

Anonymous said...

I feel for you! I had the worst heartburn ever when I was pregnant. Not much ever helped. The good news is it goes away as soon as you give birth but it's terrible when you have it. It made me not want to eat anything.