Friday, February 09, 2007


I am procrastinating today. I think I worked so much yesterday that today I don't want to do anything. Nate is leaving for the weekend this afternoon. He is taking the Youth Group on a Ski Retreat, with an emphasis on spirituality of course. Its always good to get away like that, and become very close knit for a few days.

I got to go last year and had a blast. Peek-n-Peak in New York is a fabulous Ski Resort. Of course this year, as pregnant as I am.... surely you don't want to see me even attempting skis, nor do I just want to sit in the lodge all day by myself. So I am staying home with my large belly, my 2 year old rascal, and my craving for chocolate.

LOL! I'm procrastinating so much, I'm not even telling why I'm procrastinating!

I need to clean. This house has gotten out of control. It hasn't been swept in 2 weeks. (SHOCK!!!) We are usually really good about cleaning it well once a week, but last week it got away from us, and now we are paying for it, LOL!

See, Nate and I have a preatty good system going on here. He will vacuum, and I will follow along with the mop. (we have hardwoods, so double the work) Then he'll clean the bathroom (he's paranoid about me touching chemicals while preggo. HEY! Doesn't bother me, LOL!) I'll dust and every couple weeks, Febreeze everything.

Nate is going to come early this afternnon, since he is leaving for the whole weekend. I told him that I'd have the house straightened and ready... and THAT is what I am procrastinating from. Ugg.

Cleaning will be great though. We are currently looking for die-cast Sally and Lightning McQueen.... I am thinking those 2 lovebirds ran off somewhere together, LOL!


Us Burns' have a tradition here... we like to call it Treat Thursday. I usually make a dessert or treat of some sort on Thursday evenings. It can range from plain cookies, to flan, to chocolate molten lava cake, LOL! Last night I tried a new cookie recipe, and it was so delicious, I had to share. Be sure to copy and save this recipe, because, my word, these are SO GOOD.

Banana Walnut Chocolate Chunk Cookies

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 large ripe banana, mashed
1 cup oatmeal
8 oz. semisweet chocolate chips or chunks
1/2 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

1. Preheat oven to 375*. Whisk together flours, salt, and baking soda, and set aside. Put butter and sugars into bowl, and mix with an electric mixture fitted with a paddle attatchment; mix until light and fluffy. Add egg, vanilla, and banana, and mix well. Add flour mixture and mix till just combined. Stir in oats, chocolate, and walnuts.

2. Drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper (I used Wax paper!). Bake cookies until golden brown and just set, 12- 13 minutes. Let cool on sheets for 5 minutes, then transfer to wire racks. Let cool completely. Cookies can be stored in airtight container for up to 2 days. Makes about 2 dozen.


If you are a woman (or man!) of prayer and read this... please lift up Nate and I. We have entered a Season of Struggle, mainly with finances. Just please pray that we can stay strong and diligent in our endeavors. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you find inner peace and tranquility knowing that you will find a way. We always find a way even when we think there is no way out.
My Best Friend was only 29 weeks pregnant when she started to experience preclampsia. Last night she had to have emergency c-section. She was only 30 weeks pregnant. The baby was born at 2.11oz. He is as well as expected. He is in an incubator. She is holding ehr own. She lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure does not want to cooperate. Her kidneys started to fail. I can go on and on. I am only telling you this because sometimes when we feel helpless we hear of stories that make us stronger. You have been blesssed with a wonderful husband, a healthy son and one on the way. The finances will pan out I promise, they always do. Just be happy that you are safe and blessed, God will find a way to provided the necessary. Please do not think I want to belittle your concern about your finances. I am just saying that we are all liek you we worry and we panic at times. But things usualy find a way of getting better. I won`t suggest for you to go back to GAP jeje. I will pray for you to find another way.
Have a great weekend. Maybe with Nate gone you can get some layouts done.

Susie (aka at DST as Sunshine or suebecdan)

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you! I remember my time in college- trying to work my finances out on paper- it never worked when I did it like that! But every month, when I was faithful with my time and tithing, all of my bills got paid- it's funny how I'd get an extra shift or a surprise monetary gift from family. Keep strong in the Lord and he will supply your every need! That's a promise from Jesus!
And those cookies sound delish! I have 2 extra ripe bananas on my counter-- I might have to try them out this evening!
I hope you have a great weekend- it will go by quickly, I'm sure! And best of luck finding Sally & Lightning! Check all of the dark corners! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Everyone always tells me that 'God will provide'. And I see evidence of that everywhere. My childcare provider is living proof - somehow for the past 30 years of her life she has been able to pay her mortgage on time and put food on the table even when her husband left her with nothing. no job. 2 kids. and no source of income. I am a woman of faith but sometimes I wonder WHY I have such a hard time 'letting go and letting God' it because I am afraid? We, too, fear the begining of a 'season of struggle' as I got word today that my company is facing a HUGE financial issue that may mean a major layoff or even closing the doors. We are a 2-income family and I am not sure WHAT we will do to make ends meet if I find I don't have a job on Monday morning. I have been praying that I would be able to leave this job and pursue my photography full time, but am not ready to make that leap yet....but everyone says 'leap and the net will appear'....and gosh I just rambled on ridiculously, didn't I?! Sorry! The most important message I wanted to send is that you will be fine, because I do believe that God will provide. I will be praying for you and your beautiful family!

Bretta said...

Adding you and Nate to my prayer time. Keep your eyes on Jesus...He'll take care of you! Everytime finances look bad, I just remember all the times He has provided for us and how we have never gone without something we NEEDED (wants are another story!).

Melissa said...

Praying for you, Andrea! I can totally relate - my DH is a youth pastor as well. We have a little boy and a little girl on the way (via adoption) so I can totally relate!

Oh! My DH cleans our bathrooms too - how did we get so lucky!