Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog's Day....

Happy Groundhog's Day! It's official... Punxatawney Phil (that very famous groundhog that lives only 2 hours from here, LOL!) didn't see his shadow, so Spring is on its way. I'd like to believe him. I really want to believe him. But with our super late start to winter weather, I honestly wonder if winter was delayed. Not shortened. I bet we are going to have snow all the way into April.

Sorry for the no post yesterday. Walking the mall last Monday really did strain some muscles and its been very painful and slow getting around. I've also been dealing with something rather personal and its left me pretty blue this week. Those things added together don't leave me with much to talk about, LOL!

Thought I'd show you something we took yesterday....

Nikon D80, 50mm, F3.2, 1/100, ISO 400

I set up the scene, metered everything, but it was actually Nate who pressed the button, LOL! To help get that silhouette look, I just used the camera meter. I underexposed, and then just looked at the pic on my LCD monitor, imagining it turned to B&W. Once in PS I just added a screen layer to help lighten the window and my face a bit.

I had a very boring 34 weeks appointment yesterday. Doc was actually out delivering so I didn't see her. Everything was normal, I only gained 1 lb this past 2 weeks.

Next appointment is on the 22nd and it is when I'll have my Strep B test scheduled, and I'll start internals. Getting close!


New! Vintage Photo Frames, .Png Version!

Now in .PNG version! One of my favorite special touches that I like to do to my own personal layouts, is to add vintage frames to my photgraphs. Now here is your chance to add straight frames to your photo, or choose a slightly curved with shadows frame for your photo. Mix and match for a unique look!

Included in Vintage Photo Frames are 12 straight frames, 15 slightly curved frames with shadows, and 2 negative strips. All come in .PNG Format for use in PSP, PSPX, or DIP.

You can get it HERE at TDC, and at an introductory 20% off till midnight CST.


Anonymous said...

I hope your blue day gets better. It is not always easy being an upbeat mommy, but you always seem to be. Whatever it is, I hope it works itself out.

You don't know me from the next person on the street, but I feel connected to you in some strange way. Maybe it's because I live in Maryland, near Annapolis, and your family lives here. Or maybe it's beacuse we share a lot of similar interests...I don't know what it is, but I finally felt compelled to write you today!

I truly hope that your blue week gets a little better. It must be in the air - my best friend is really blue this week too. I've got to cheer you girls up!!


blog_meg said...

Gorgeous photo! Your little bean is going to treasure that someday!

Theresa said...

Such a nice photo. Tell Nate he did a good job pushing that button!

Yep, getting so very close! He'll be here before you know it!

Anonymous said...

Your picture is beautiful! Wow, you really don't have much longer. How exciting!! Hope your week gets better. At least it's Friday!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Andrea! Just wanted to type you a quick note. Such a pretty picture on your blog today! I know you're getting excited about Bean's arrival!

Have a nice weekend, and try to get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo! It's definitely a photo you will treasure! I'm sorry to hear you've been blue...I hope the weekend gets a little better.

Unknown said...

I came across your blog a few months ago via another scrappers blog and find I quite often migrate to yours. I love your photography AND I happen to be expecting around the same time as you so I find it interesting to read how you are doing. The reason I am leaving a comment is because I see you also create digital scrapping papers and embellishments... I live in Italy now with my husband and have turned to strictly digital as I can't find supplies here. With baby coming (and it being hard for me to find a job here) I've been curious about starting up making digital supplies as well and selling them. I'm just curious, how did you get started? I'd love if you could give me some ideas... Thanks so much and good luck with baby!!!! Congrats!

Melanie said...

My gosh, sweetie!!! That picture is friggin' amazing!!! :) You look gorgeous!

I hope that whatever is keeping you down goes away VERY soon! Always remember that you are a wonderful person and that you touch the lives of the people you interact with. {{{HUGE, HUGE HUGS}}}

Have a good weekend!