Friday, February 16, 2007

ASPCA Charity Kit(s).....

Softly & Sweetly kits are now available in TDC Boutique! (See previous post for previews.)

Softly :::::::::: Sweetly

The very much talked about and the very much anticipated ASPCA Charity kit is finally available! This kit is GINORMOUS and has endless, endless possibilties. Even if you don't have a pet, MANY of these papers and elements would make a GREAT boy's or men's layout.

I was really blessed to be asked to help on this project, and I have to admit it was pretty fun, LOL! Holly did a wonderful job communicating with all of us and an even better job assembling and hosting the kit. Thanks Holly!

Here are all of the previews for you!

free image hosting

You can purchase it HERE at Holly McCaig's Site. 100% of ALL proceeds goes to the ASPCA. This kit is to help all of those that don't have a voice......

You can also click on the blinky to the right and it will direct you to the kit.



Anonymous said...

hi Andrea! love scrapbooking as well...actually just designed my gift certificates while scrapbooking. so fun! check them out here...

Melanie said...

The kit is GORGEOUS!!! :) Wow, I just love it!

Oh, and here's my 2 cents on the whole delivery thing. I got induced for Ava and let me tell you how nice it was. I knew that Christian was being taken good care of, I knew when I was going so I had everything packed and ready to go for all 3 of us, NO labor pains...seriously...the pitocin worked well with me (I understand it's not that way with everyone though) and I went into labor beautifully. As soon as I started feeling even the slightest contractions, they gave me my epidural and I was good to go. Another bonus (even though it sounds weird) is that you can actually LOOK pretty! With Christian, I looked like the bride of Frankenstein when I went in. In my comfy pants/T-shirt, no makeup, glasses, hair in a ponytail...with Ava...complete opposite! Makeup, hair done, in my "pretty" clothes when I went in. Seriously a no-stress deal and I would totally recommend it! I felt SO much better knowing that Christian was happy and that I didn't need to "surprise" anyone with watching him. It prepared him beautifully as well.

I'm here to talk anytime you need someone! I think you have my # in the forum, but if not, just email me and I'll get it to you. If I didn't have the 2 kiddos, I'd offer to drive up and help you! {{{HUGS}}}

Have a good weekend, sweetie!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, new reader here! I've been looking for new blogs to read and this is the first time I've had a chance to hit yours. Thanks for sharing the previews to this kit for it's cause. Wow. It amazes me to see the end product of multiple designers working together on not much more than cyber space and big hearts.

Theresa said...

LOVE your new kits, Andrea!! I still haven't done the boys' baby books yet. I'll have to use the boyish one. It's one of my favorite baby kits!

Isn't the ASPCA kit awesome?! I just love it. Totally and completely.

I have to LOL at the polygamy thing. I used to tell E he could get another wife as long as she was willing to split the housework, and childcare duties, but got no bedroom time. So far, he hasn't found any takers.