Monday, February 26, 2007

Is it March yet?

I had my 37 weeks DA today. All is normal and well. I gained 1 lb in the last week.

I ended up positive again for the Group Strep B, so all that means is I'll have the antibiotic administered during labor.

I had my last US, and Bean is measuring 7 and a half lbs. Seth measured 8.5 at this point (he was 7.7 at birth) ... but then again my Doctor used a different machine for both (this one was a new one) so who knows. The US was neat, you could see Bean opening his eyes and mouth and he was praticing breathing. I am now dialated to 1 cm and 15% effaced.


A couple nights ago we had Seth singing his ABC's & Jesus Loves Me to his Gramma on the phone, and all of a sudden he starts yelling, "Talkin' to Jesus! Talking to Jesus!" I just howled with laughter!!!


We pretty much stayed in this weekend. The weather was icky, and lets face it, I can't get around so well, LOL! We saw 3 movies and they were all pretty decent! We saw Flyboys, that movie with James Franco about the WWI fighter pilots. We watched The Guardian, the movie with Kevin Costner & Ashton Kutcher about the Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers. And I watched High School Musical yesterday afternoon while Nate napped, LOL!

The first 2 movies were pretty good movies! There was one last scene in the Guardian that I thought was unnecessary... I think they just threw it in for some last minute emotional kick... but they could have left it out.

High School Musical, well.... LOL! Lots of my girls in the Youth Group LOVE it and I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. It actually surprised me, I totally thought it was going to be all hokey and lame, but it was actually kind of cute.

Tonight we are taking Seth to Chuck E Cheese for dinner. I want to do one last fun event, just the 3 of us. We are also taking him to Build A Bear to make Bean a bear. Seth can bring it to him when we are in the hospital.

Welp, have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

I completely agree about the last scene of the guardian! But it was pretty good up until then! We watched part of flyboys, now we have to finish the rest of it....seems like it is pretty good sooo far.
High school musical was kinda lame, but a good "kid/teen" movie! :)
You are sooo close! I can't wait to meet "bean"!!!

Theresa said...

You're so close now!! Wow! It cold be any time! A weekend in, hunkered down and keeping warm sounds so nice and cozy.