Thursday, February 15, 2007

Soft & Sweet....

Last night went really well. I had our dinner all cooked, and laid out on China. It was really beautiful ad Nate seemed to enjoy it all. He liked his PJ's too! He surprised me! I thought he was just giving me my Claire ring. But he also came home with the Willow Tree Figurine of the romantic couple hugging each other. Very sweet! Then we sat on the couch and just talked to each other till AI and LOST came on. He also loved his peanut butter pie! Driving yesterday wasn't bad at all, and it was total success!

The other night we were watching some sort of informational show about polygamy. The wives were talking about how they are "blessed" to have "sister wives." and they totally support and encourage their husbands to take on more wives. The husband said he'd love as many wives as he was blessed with. I turned to Nate and said "Do you think you'd want more wives? More then one?" He just gave me this look.... It made me throw my head back and I just howled with laughter. I guess I'm more than enough woman for him to handle right now, hee hee!

Here is our house with the 2 feet of snow we got the past 2 days! Can you see the piles of it in the front yard? Our basement is SO dark now, b/c the snow is above the windows there.

NEW! A Sweet & Soft Collection! Softly and Sweetly are the perfect baby kits for you!

"Sometimes, its the smallest things that take up the most room in your hearts." ~ Winnie the Pooh.

Softly is the perfect kit to scrap precious pictures of that baby boy in your life.

Included in Softly kit are 8 textured and worn papers, 3 bows, 3 ribbons, 3 stitches, 2 flowers, 2 footprint tags, 2 fabric hearts, 2 tags, 1 beaded wire, 1 circle border, 1 fuzzy giraffe, 1 growth ruler, and 1 wordart.


Sweetly is the perfect kit to scrap precious pictures of that baby girl in your life.

Included in Sweetly kit are 8 textured and worn papers, 3 bows, 3 ribbons, 3 stitches, 2 flowers, 2 footprint tags, 2 fabric hearts, 2 tags, 1 beaded wire, 1 circle border, 1 fuzzy giraffe, 1 growth ruler, and 1 wordart.


And here are some lovely Layouts done by my Creative Team featuring SOFTLY.... I'll feature Sweetly next week!

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Happy Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Andrea- Those kis are sooo adorable, I will have to get the boy one. I saw that show on polygamy too and couldn't believe it! Have a great day

Melissa said...

What GREAT baby kits!

Casey said...

Oh my gosh - these kids are simply beautiful! As soon as they are available I'll be getting both for sure!! Great, great job!

Amanda said...

Wow! Those have to be the most adorable little baby kits! Love them!

Anonymous said...

love the new kits. So soft. Sounds like you had a nice v-day too.