Wednesday, February 07, 2007

More Random....

LOL~ It looks like my little TOOT isn't a surprise anymore....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yep, I've been spotlighted! DiscTalk does this weekly show dishing and gabbing about fabulous Digital layouts that have caught their eye, along with products. It looks like my Vintage Photo Frames caught their attention, and they talk about me! How much fun is that? You must go check it out... it really makes me proud!

Seth-Isms of Late

*Seth will yell "THANKS, Your welcome!" when you give him something. It cracks me up!

*When he wants to play hide and seek he'll cover up with a blanket or hide in the corner and start yelling "Ses (seth) Where are you?..... Ses?"

*"Teh-tubbies! Watch Teh-tubbies!" "Are you going to watch them Seth?" "NO!!" "Then I'm not turning them on." "Watch Teh-tubbies!" This conversation goes on and on.....


Nate and I recently pulled a bunch of the baby stuff (ie. cradle, swings, tub....) down from the attic, and I'm sorting through what clothes of Seth's Bean can wear again. I forgot how much clothing they will need/ use during that first year! I just picked up some Dreft to get started on washing clothes. We are keeping the nursery and the bedding the same for him, so their isn't too much work to be done there. Nate is working on making the letters for the wall, of Bean's name. I just had a custom vintage Raggedy Andy made for him, to sit on his dresser. The crib mattress has been raised, but I need to wash and assemble the sheets and bumper. Some touches to the room I can't do till after he's born. I'll display a newborn photo over the dresser, and my mom is cross stitching this sampler of his name, and she'll add the date afterwards, along with his inked on footprints.

I am so excited that LOST finally comes back on tonight! I am so there with some popcorn! Starting at 9 pm is the Producer's Tell All, and then a new show at 10 pm. We have to start tapeing CSI... I'm so ill that they keep pitting my favorite shows against one another... and yet there is a good 2 hours on both Monday night and Tuesday night they can fill up!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Jack used to do that- he'd say "Tanch you yr welcome." I think because we used to say "What do you say" when we gave him something- he'd say "tanch you" and then we'd say "You're welcome." Wonder if we confused him by thinking he was supposed to say both! LOL!
Have fun tonight with LOST!!

Kerry said...

I love your Vintage Frames - I bought them yesterday and they were perfect. I'm glad they're getting you some attention.