Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Can we say "Nesting?"

LOL! I am smack in the middle of moving Seth over to a BBR, and cleaning out the nursery for Bean. I am almost done. But after that, we are moving the computer downstairs and making the computer/ guest room, solely a Guest Room. Its a smaller room, and usually guests would store their luggage in what will now be Seth's new room. I don't want that anymore, so I am moving the Computer out, so there is more room for their luggage.

LOL! I've got Nate pretty busy too. I've got him pulling nails, pounding new ones, moving heavy furniture. I'm even going to have him modify Seth's wall name letters. They used to hang by a ribbon... fine if its in a nursery, but now too babyish. He's going to remove the ribbon, and drill a hole in the back so they can hang by a nail.

AND! I found the SAME font used for those letters, and rather than buy a whole new set for Bean, Nate will just MAKE the letters for a fraction of the cost.

So yeah, I guess you could say I'm nesting, since this is a pretty big project that has taken a few days, and has a couple days left, LOL! Not to mention we also undecorated for Christmas yesterday too! We are on a roll!

I need to pick up a bed rail for Seth's new twin and then we'll start off with naps in there. He is already anxious to sleep in it, and he loves how his new room is turning out.

Here is my 28 week belly~

And the progression, 16, 20, 24, 28 weeks~

Yesterday I had my Rhogam Shot, FINALLY! They were too busy for me last week, and I HAD to get this shot within 28 weeks, and within 7 days of the blood draw from Friday.

Every day I called they were "too busy" to see me. I'm sorry, give me a break... this was for a flippin' shot! How long does that take? Anyways, I finally got in yesterday afternoon, but it still took them an HOUR to administer everything.

One nurse would come in and check the baby's HB, then leave. 20 min later, another one came in and took my blood pressure. 20 min after that, I signed a consent form for the shot. And FINALLY I got my shot in my hip, all undignified with my pants around my thighs.


The kicker is that there were only 2 women in labor, both around 3-4 cm, and I saw at least 5 or 6 different nurses, so I have NO clue what was taking so long.

Welp~ must run, I have more laundry to thrown in, and I need to run to the Police Station to fill out a formal complaint against the barking dog. He is STILL barking ALL day and ALL flippin' night.


Theresa said...

That's a darn cute little (big) belly you have there! You must be getting excited with your due date looming.

Glad to hear you got your shot. It's nice to just have that out of the way.

Have fun nesting!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts, Andrea! I was on the same boat last year getting ready for my baby girl's arrival(she is now almost 5 months old!). Congrats!!


Melanie said...

You look amazing Andrea!
You should do a comparison of your belly last pregnancy to this one!!

When I was pregnant with my son I had a major bout of nesting towards the end. My house was literally shining when we took Tyler home!

I can't wait to see pictures of Seth's big boy room when it is completed! :)

Jen Strange said...

HOW CUTE ARE YOU, all pregnant! I'm so happy for you!!!