Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Baby Schtuff....

I had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Everything is normal, everything is fine. I somehow gained 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks, and I feel like crying. I now weigh the same as Nate. I am just completely baffled where the weight is coming from though.... I hardly eat lunch because I'm not hungry for it, and I eat well balanced breakfasts and dinners. I hardly snack. I do admit to snacking on chocolate when I DO snack, but its not ungodly ammounts or anything.

My Dr. actually asked me if I was wearing anyting different today, like heavier shoes or sweater or something.... kinda like she was surprised to hear about the weight too.

Where is it coming from!?!?!?

Bean had his first hiccups Sunday night, that was really cool.

One weirdo thing about this pregnancy that is different with Seth's, is that with Seth I had a dark linea negra. It took almost a year for it to disappear too. With this one, I have the slightest faint line, but NOTHING compared to the first. Isn't that funny?

Kristin~ you asked about my To-Do list.... well its just stuff like

Bring down Cradle, fix Crib (as in raise the mattress)
Set up swings
wash clothes
buy baby book, silver ID bracelet
Finish Seth's baby book (LOL!!), take him to Chuck E Cheese

You know... all this random little stuff. I've already taken care of ordering the ID bracelet. Its a latin custom to put jewelry on babies... Seth has his silver ID bracelet. I even have my own tucked away safely.

I also picked up Bean's baby book~

Isn't that cute? You can see it here at Babies R Us.

As for the Seth "stuff".... ROFLOL! I think once my baby hit 11 months old, I went into this denial that he was about to turn one and not be a "baby" anymore. So last night actually, I pulled his out ( a beautiful classic Pooh memory book from Hallmark) and was filling in details and making a list of photos I still needed to finish it. I also need to call his Pediatrician and get a couple details to update his medical pages. And the Chuck E Cheese? Well, I thought it would be nice to do something with Seth, one last time just "the three of us."

And while I was working on the photos needed list.... I totally realized that Digital Photography and Digital Scrapbooking actually has a Con.

I have been TERRIBLE at keeping up with getting photos printed out. I spent over an hour last night picking out photos and then burning them to a disk. From the last year. YEP~ from the LAST YEAR. When I shot 35 mm, you HAD to turn that film in to see what you shot and get your photos. I think with digital you can see them instantly, or even when you scrapbook them, get THOSE prints back, that I tend to forget I needed to print out the 4x6 photos.

So I'm off to Walmart right after this entry to print out a year's worth of photos. Isn't that terrible of me? I need to get caught up.


Today is the last day to submit your Love Stories! Read HERE for details! Winners announced on Monday!


Anonymous said...

Andrea. Don`t worry to much about the weight if you know that you are eatting healthy and keeping active. Our bodies act differently with each pregnancy. I love Beans book. Now you know you should translate when you use spanish words jeje. Linea Negra (black line) for those non spanish speaking. Isn`t it funny how Cubans have to put jewlery on babies right away. You are lucky it is only an ID bracelet. For me it was an azabache pin to ward off the evil eye. A Sainta Barabara necklace and an ID bracelet. Imaginate the child looked like MRS. T's wife jeje. I agree with you and Digital pictures we forget to print them. But worse for me is that my digital layouts spend years on my hard drive and never get printed. Before when I paper scrapped I always had my album out for everyone to see. I have to find a way to print all my layouts and organize them with out spending a fortune on it.
Can`t wait to read the winnine love story. You must be enjoying all the reads.
I wish you a lovely day. Till your next blig.

P.s. I read your blog all the time but I never comment because I did not have an account and I could not figuer out until today jeje.

Sunshine Hernandez

Theresa said...

Yeah, don't worry about the weight. If you're not over-eating, it's your body's way of getting ready to nurse. You need extra body fat to produce milk. And then it all comes back off again while you nurse. When I nursed my twins, I lost all of my mega-twin pregnancy weight plus another 10!

To answer your question on my blog for a hint, here it is... I live in the extreme Southwest United States. Less than 30 minutes from the Mexican border...

Unknown said...

I just love reading your blog. I have also bought a few of your design layouts, which I love. Oh, I gained 40 pounds with my daughter and I really didn't feel like I was eating that much different from when I wasn't pregnant. Oh well, I keep wondering if it will be the same with my next! Well, good luck and from the pics you have posted you look like a cute little pregnant gal!!

Kelly said...

Your Chuck E Cheese "to-do" made me think of something we did with our oldest before #2 & I thought I'd share. Shortly before Carson (#2) arrived we took Garrett (#1) to Build-A-Bear to make something for Carson. A frog named Taco is what we ended up with. When Carson was born Garrett brought Taco to the hospital to give it to him. He was very proud of that frog and it helped him to have his own "job". (He was 2 1/2 at the time) Of course Carson had his own gift to give Garrett as well. Just thought I'd share that idea.
I have to say I laugh whenever you call the baby Bean. That's my niece's nickname! :)

Kristin said...

Thanks for the To-Do help...I forgot about raising the crib mattress. I also want to do something special with Easton before this baby comes. We just hit up Chuck E Cheese for his b-day 2 weeks ago so I gotta think of something else. He liked bowling LOL.

I'm sorry about the weight gain. I gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks last visit too. But, I already outweight hubby (I'm 5 inches taller than he is though!!!) I mostly worry about water retention causing my big gains. I had preeclampsia last time. My doc said not to worry about 5 pounds in 2 weeks. 3rd trimester that baby is putting on a ton of weight himself--like .5-1 lb. a week!

You never did announce "Bean's" name, did you? We still don't have one for ours and my C/S is scheduled for a month from today!

Summer Dove Simmons said...

how awesome. Andrea we must be due around the same day... I'm March 15th. I still have so much stuff left to do but this is our first baby.

Kristin said...

Hi Andrea! I've been reading your blog for quite sometime now, but never left a comment! I first got the link from you from a BBC Scrapbooking thread and have been checking in ever since...

anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about the weight either, especially if you're not overindulging in bad stuff. Funny thing about the linea nigra, is that mine was the same way with ds #1, and with this one (I'm due Thursday!!!) mine is also lighter. Weird how that is the one thing that was easier with the second!

Good luck with everything!


stace said...

I wouldn't worry at all about the weight. You know it will come off. I just had an acquaintance bragging about only putting on 7 pounds and I felt like telling her that that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard of someone doing purposely to their baby. Enjoy being pregnant. Eat what you want and worry about it later! That is my philosophy (and I am prego too)./ Plus people always gain the most weight aroung month 7.

Jody Knapp said...

Your Chuck E Cheese idea about made my cry. That is so sweet! We have a 20 month old DD and we will soon have #2 and that just seems like such a special thing to do. I was just thinking the other day that my family will soon be complete (because we only want 2 kids...) and I hope my DD can handle it when its not just the 3 of us any more...