Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Babies & Rings....

Does anyone here read Glamour Magazine? I have a subscription, and I really enjoy it. Over the weekend I got my February issue. Inside there is a story about a mother who gave birth to a baby at 27 weeks. The whole point of the story was that she blamed herself for being too active before the birth, and the giult that followed that. Her son ended up being just fine, and is a happy active boy today.

My point of this ramble, is that they showed this picture of the small baby right after he had been born. It completely amazed me that there was this baby, already looking like a baby. Yes, he was small, and very thin.... but it was an honest to goodness baby. And then I realized that my own son, in myown belly, at that moment, was already 3 weeks older than he. Three weeks fatter, and 3 weeks further in development.

Isn't that amazing? Doesn't that boggle your mind? If I were to give birth tomorrow (Lord Forbid!) my son would have a great fighting chance. And he's already a baby, KWIM?!?!? I know I'm not expresing myself very well right now. When Seth was born, I was just amazed and astounded that a couple hours before I was just pregnant. Then Seth came out, and he was an honest to goodness baby with all this hair and distinct features.....

I can't wait to meet this bean!


Today is the LAST day I am accepting applications for my Creative Team Call. Midnight, EST is the cut off time. I have recieved some great applications, and am sweating at the idea of actually really reviewing them and coming to a descision. Hopefully I'll have it narrowed by this weekend!

I am a self proclaimed dork, LOL! Ya'll know that one of my all time favorite books is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Well, there is this wedding scene that takes place when Claire is forced to marry Jamie. He gives her this silver ring with thistles on it. Years later, (and in a different book!) she removes it for the first time and actually sees an inscription. The ring reads, da mi basia mille. It means A Thousand Kisses.
Well, do you know how excited I was when I recently learned that a jewelry company got permission from Diana Gabaldon to recreate the ring? The site for orders launched on the 15th, and I bet I was one of the first to make an order. LOL~ my mom made hers a couple hours after I made mine.
Here is a pic of the ring~

To get your own Claire's Ring~ Click Here

I ended up getting the silver ring, with antiquing, and with the engraving. In my opinion, it wouldn't be Claire's ring any other way.

I think Nate is going to hold it back for Valentine's though. Which is fine! :)

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

I felt the exact same way when both of my children were born. It's just such an amazing thing - one minute they're inside you, the next, they're this unique person! It just makes you realize how incredible God is and how He had (& has) every little detail taken care of.

I'm on pins & needles about the CT call! Can't wait to see who makes up your new team!

~ashleigh said...

What an exciting feeling :) I was so much more *in tune* with my 2nd pregnancy because I was able to grasp the miracle of what was going on. It's not that I didn't know how special my 1st was, it's just that when I was pregnant with her, I had NO idea how much I could love her. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

Birth is such miracle. The whole pregnancy and birth just boggle my mind. I think the preggy hormones don't help that, either, lol.

I'm so excited about that ring! Because of you, I read the whole series and can't wait for the next one. My b-day is at the end of the month so I might have to ask for that ring for that or Valentine's day. Thanks so much for sharing that!


Heather said...

Excited to hear about the ring. That is one of my favorite series of books. Off to check out the ring!

Lena Brandenburg said...

Awww, I can't wait to see pictures of bean :) .... but I CAN wait, no rush, mama! ;)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the babies also. When our first baby was born and we got home the first day, some of my husbands friends came over and I had a very hard time with them even holding him! I even had to go in another room by myself because it was hard to deal with the fact that he was just recently protected from the world inside me and next being passed around a room being held by some male friends of ours and a girlfriend of one guys that I didnt even know. Needless to say we cut that visit short. When we had our second baby, only very few people and only very close relatives could come over.

Cant wait on the results for the CT call. :o)
