Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Years!!

Happy New Years!

Last night we had a youth event, we took 11 kids Bowling. I hadn't been in 6 years, but I did have a really good time, LOL! Afterwards we had a lock-in at the church (I didn't plan on staying.) We watched Lady in The Water, and then we hung out till midnight. I came home shortly thereafter.

Today we are undecorating from Christmas. I am also in the middle of putting together Seth's big boy room. His twin bed is all set up, that room's closet and dresser is all cleaned out. I just need to clean up the junk on the floor, transfer clothes and personalized stuff on over, and set up a couple of his toys. I want to wait for his room to be all together before we try sleeping in there.

I also have to see if the Maternity Ward isn't too busy for me today for my Rhogam shot. They were last Thursday, and I only have a couple days to get this shot taken care of.

Tonight we are having Kielbasa and Sauerkraut for dinner.

Christmas Recap: I got my lovely new camera, some perfume, a set of queen sized sheets, some earings, monogrammed cuff bracelet, monogrammed necklace, a set of books, a cast iron skillet, a black backdrop, and my biggest surprise.... Nate got me the Willow Tree Holy Family from their nativity set. I'll try and collect the rest of the pieces throughout the year.

Nate got a couple PSP games, 2 marshamallow guns, a rocket, 2 pants, 1 shirt, a work coat, a couple small tools, a Router, and a bunch of money.

Seth got the Little People Garage and Zoo, a couple dump trucks, the Actions Sounds trike, Cars DVD, Sesame Street Tool Bench and accessories, a bunch of Bob the Builder vehicles and Cars figures, and whatnot. He made out like a Bandit, LOL!

LOL~ Did ya'll notice the change of PJ's towards the end.... he had a nasty bout of diarrhea during presents... that lasted for the next 2 days!
New Years Resolutions:
1) Scrap MORE! I plan on making more pages! Last year was pitiful, and I don't think I'll have a problem once the new Bean comes.
2) Keep a cleaner house! Clutter and mess drives me BONKERS, but this year with a toddler I let things slide a little too often. I want to be much better this year.
3) To become MUCH better about keeping my quiet time with God, along with persistant Devotionals. Its so easy to become "too busy" and this year I am going to deepen my walk with Christ.
4) Be back to pre-pregnancy weight by Thanksgiving, LOL!
How about you?


mindy said...

That's so funny. We have the exact same new year's resolutions.

Angelina Schwarz said...

Great new year's resolutions. I haven't given much thought to mine yet...I suppose it's time!

How nice to get all those fab gifts for Christmas! We have a LOT of children in our family and stopped giving adults gifts years ago (grandparents aside, of course, lol). This year was a big bummer in our house. Kurt didn't get me even one gift! I think I need to send him over to your house to get some pointers from Nate!

Theresa said...

I'm not big on making resolutions. But I do plan on learning to use my camera's manual settings more and now, I resolve to find out what a marshmallow gun is.