Tuesday, January 30, 2007

35 Weeks, Maybe?

So my belly shots from yesterday. Were they 33 weeks.... or are they really 35 week? Read on....

My Ultra Sound from yesterday~

Good News~ Bean has turned! YAY! He is now perfect position... face down, and face is towards my back. (Seth was actually transverse.)

He had the hiccups during the US, and that was really cute. He was fairly laid back, just relaxed, not moving too much.

The OK news, IE: "I Told You So Doctor!!" I am measuring BIG. The tech said that my EDD, according to all measurments, is MARCH 8. March 8!!! Thats a huge difference from March 20. My orig. edd was March 14, and being only one week ahead sounds normal there. Two weeks ahead?!?!? Um.... They say Bean is already about 4.5 lbs.

I don't think I'm making it to March 20, LOL! See, I KNEW when I conceived!

Here are some NEAT pics for you!!!

Look at his hair, LOL!! The tech was amazed at how much there was!

Can you see his white spiky hair there too?

There you go! I can't wait to hear what my doc is going to say about Bean's size come Thursday. If I were to get induced "2 weeks" early again at "38 weeks" it would still be March 10th!

Three years ago today I found out about a tiny baby growing inside me... now he's a 33 lbs toddler who sweetly snores and has "puppy breath." (from sucking on Puppy too much, Yuck!)

Yesterday afternoon Nate, Seth, and I headed over to Babies R Us & the mall. We picked up a Green Hamper for Bean's room. Seth has the one in blue. I figured to get a different color, b/c in a couple years when they share a room, they can seperate their laundrey into the 2. Lights in one, darks in the other.... LOL!

We just strolled the mall. It actually got really hard for me... I was having lots of contraction's from all the walking, and I'm to the point where its really heavy on my spine/ hips.

After that we hit Barnes & Noble where I finally spent my Christmas Gift Card on a couple books for later. Then we ate dinner at Panera Bread. While we were eating, I noticed this man getting his drink. He looked SO familiar, but I couldn't remeber why. I saw that Nate was looking at him too... and thats when I realized it was Frank Marzullo our News channel, WeatherMan! LOL! It was like seeing a celebrity... kind of. He was smaller IRL that I thought he would be. (sorry about the crappy video... I couldn't find a picture!) He sat in the very back corner and worked on his laptop. Today's forecast anyone?

Anyways.... LOL! We came home after dinner, and we were all pooped.


Josh Virkler said...

Wonderful pictures! Look at all that hair! Yay for moving your date forward (any chance you'll go before me???)

Anonymous said...

wooow wonderfull pictures... i good luck for the baby and you

wionderfull blog

greetings from germany

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing those great US pictures with us! So glad that Bean has turned and is now in a great position. Wow - he'll be a part of your family before you know it!

Theresa said...

You know, I was going to say you looked a little big for 33 weeks, but that is always the LAST thing a pregnant woman wants to hear So I think 35 weeks makes way more sense!

Very cute pics. I love all the hair!! Mine were all born with very little or no hair. They're half hispanic! How on earth did I not get hairy babies?

Anonymous said...

Love the u/s pics! Great one of bean's hair!!! I know all about big babies -- we induced both of mine at 38 wks -- Wes was 9.1 and Claire was 7.9 -- both big!!!

Amy Covey said...

Oh my goodness - i love how you can see his hair in the ultrasound photos! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Those photos are so cute!! Too funny about that green hamper- we did the same thing when we had Henry. They both have/had Pottery Barn Kids nursery's, so while Jack's was more "blue with green," Henry's was more "green with blue." So we have 2 hampers, too. It's the best hamper, I do have to say! LOL!

Kristin said...

Go with your conception date, girl. My little guy was measuring 2.5 weeks ahead at our last ultrasound. They had him weighing 5 pounds already at 31 weeks!!! (I go again tomorrow for another u/s). Anyway, we know *for sure* when we conceived too and it's the early ultrasounds that should really help determine size. Up to about 12 weeks they supposedly all grow about the same. Then genetics and diet and such start kicking in and U/S is no longer great for determining dates. Our docs have never changed my dates even though he's measuring so far ahead. I'm just glad for my scheduled c-section. If not...OUCH!

blog_meg said...

It sounds like you're getting all your nesting done! Yay!

Val said...

OMG Andrea! Buy that kid a hair brush NOW, lol! What a doll!

Anonymous said...

Those are great U/S pics! I cannot believe you are sooo close now!