Tuesday, August 22, 2006

North Carolina Dreamin'.....

I am glad to be home. I just did a lot of traveling in a short time. About 1000 miles? 24 hours in a car at least, total.

What happened was, my grandmother was falling alot and her speech was slurred. So my grandpa took her to get a brain scan, with ultimately showed that her brain was fine. Other tests concluded that she was anemic and that her B12 was really low. So they are giving her some B12 shots.

She really should be walking with a cane, but my grandmother is too proud, and doesn't want to.I just get so nervous that I don't have forever with them... they are so precious to me, and they are getting older. I also LOVE the area that they love, in Durham, NC. I want to live there, it is home to me. Everytime I leave PA to go to my parents in MD or my grandparents in NC, I just hate the thought of returning to PA. NC is where I want to raise my kids.

Other than that...

I came home and Nate had assembled the bed and night stands for me... except the bed looks rediculous! We got a new boxspring and pillowtop mattress... but it is so high! It literally is up to Nate's belly button! He has to help me climb up!

So we did research, and we can return the 8 inch boxspring, and in its place buy a "low-profile" boxspring, which is only 5 inches. So it'll drop the bed a whole whopping 3 inches, LOL!

Also, my body wasn't used to the new mattress last night... it was lovely to lay on, but when I got up this morning my back was a teeney bit sore. I'll have to test it out a couple more days before I decide anything.

Scrap Related:

A new kit of mine released at The Digi Chick while I was gone.... Vintage Rose

Vintage Rose is a shabby and feminine kit, perfect for the darling girl in your life or brighter heritage pages. There are many textures represented in Vintage Rose, sure to add depth to your layouts or cards.

Included in Vintage Rose are 8 textured papers, 4 tags, 3 rose petals, 2 satin ribbons, 2 crocheted patches, 2 buttons, 1 button frame, 1 scalloped border, 1 stitching, and rusty hardware. Also included is a full glass and chrome alpha.

You can find it HERE.

Also..... :)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My ACOT link is to the right! :) Enjoy!!!

And that is that!


Anonymous said...

We bought a pillowtop mattress once because I thought it would be so comfortable. We were so wrong. Never again will I buy pillowtop. Ever. Not only that but I felt that with the pillowtop it really didn't distribute weight very easily so I always felt that I was lying uneven (which I was). We returned ours and got a "normal" matress and I was so much happier! So just make sure you test it really really well!

Julie Jewels said...

You know..you can get those super cute little stepstools to help you up on the bed-makes you feel regal! LOL
We have a pillowtop and I hate it! It's super comfy to sit on or lay on for a little while, but all night---ugh! It kills my back! My DH loves it so maybe it's just me and my bad back to begin with!

LOVE your new kit! I'm so enjoying the more girly kits lately. Which is dumb because I have nothing girly to scrap! LOl

Anonymous said...

We got one of those super tall mattresses about a year ago and it was so hard to get used to, but now I like it. Sounds like your bed is REALLY tall though! Hope you figure something out! LOOVVEEE the new kit! That button frame is to die for!!