Saturday, May 06, 2006

Will Work For Fondue...

Fondue last night was absolutely excellent! We really had a great time! We went to a place in Annapolis called The Melting Pot, and ended up ordering a 4 course meal for dinner. First we started with a Cheddar Cheese fondue pot, where we had an assortment of bread chunks, apples, and veggies to dip. Yumm! We got skewers in our silverwear, and that was how you dipped... Then came the caesar salads, LOVE a good one when it is done right, and this was no exception! Then the main course came.

We got the Pacific Rim assortment of meats and veggies. That was a plate full of raw pork, beef, chicken, shrimp, and duck. In the fondue pot was the Mojo sauce simmering, a cuban blend of orange, lime, cilantro, garlic, and broth. With the skewers you cooked the meats yourself. You just dropped in the veggies, and fished them out with a slotted spoon. I think my fave was the Mojo duck, it was so good! I was a little nervous to try duck, but it was very tasty.

Lastly came the dessert... the chocolate and caramel fondue. Oh My Gosh.... heavenly! We had the pot of chocolate going, and a plate full of fruits, brownie pieces, cheesecake, and marshmallows. Those brownie pieces were just to die for.

The pic below, was obviously snitched from the Melting Pot's website, but I did want to show you an example.

Nate and I had a very romantic time, we had a very private table. I wore my expensive Gap dress (YAY!) and Nate had on a Gauyabera shirt ( a traditional cuban dress shirt). We had pics taken!! Fabulous! Similar style to my sis Alicia's pics, so you'll see when I get home.

Tomorrow is the annual Chesapeake Bay Bridge Walk. I haven't done it in years, since High School I think (9- 10 yrs?) so that will be a blast. I will be going with my sister and my Bro-in law. Seth will go to church with Nana so she can show him off, and shelter him from too much sun, and Nate will have another day of the Internation Amphibion Days show.

Below are some more pics I snitched from a website, I wanted you to be able to get an idea of the walk.

Both bridges run from Annapolis to Kent Island, MD. The bridges span 5 miles and are between 400-500 feet in the air. Usually the side with people is East bound (2 lanes) , and the other side with cars is the west bound (3 lanes). They will open one lane on the westbound side for east bound drivers. Of course I will take my own pics to share with you all.

They have food vendors and latrines set up, water stations, and of course, VERY tight security, monitoring everything.

Allright friends, I am signing off tonight! I am not sure if I will get another post in till I get home, and get back to the regularly scheduled program on Tuesday....


Kristin said...

Yum...the Melting absolute fave restaurant. I get to go for my birthday and one other time a year. Glad you enjoyed. Have fun walking!

Julie Jewels said...

Oh man! I've been dying to try the melting pot for the longest time!! Now I totally want to even more!

The walk sounds so great! I can't wait to see your pictures of it!

I did my part for charity and picked up the beautiful kit at ACOT!! LOL

Anonymous said...

The Melting Pot is so much fun! We have one here and it's always a great GNO (girls night out).
Have fun at the walk!!! And don't forget your sunscreen!

Rachael said...

I have been to The Melting Pot in FL. Sure wish they would put one close to me! I had a BLAST there!!!!!