Thursday, May 04, 2006

Circle of Friends...

Hello Friends!!!

Conference went really well... well as really well as can be expected with a cranky toddler and nothing but business meetings, LOL! We had a good time holed up in our hotel room....

Anyways we had wireless internet, and I was actually able to check a couple things using my husband's palm pilot thing. That was interesting! I even have the pictures to prove it, LOL! We got Seth his first little car, and he has had that thing attatched to his hip ever since, also have some lovely pics of that!

We are now here in lovely MD, with many aventures planned! Fondue, frog shows, and bridge walks, Oh My!

Did you all catch LOST last night?!?!? WOWZERS! It is about time Ana Lucia got the ax! I was totally suprised that she and Sawyer had a tussel in the hay, so to speak, but started clapping when she got shot. I am BLOWN away that Michael seemingly has a different agenda, and am curious to what it is. i don't think Libby is gone... still too much possibilty and drama between her and Hurley.

OK, must run, but I wanted to check in with you all! As promised... here are some more details about the Circle of Friends kit, exclusive to A Cherry On Top, ALL proceeds going to Make A Wish Foundation. Here are some up close and personal previews.


Aggie said...

Andrea, I LOVE THE PREVIEW!! MY credit card will seriously be used this weekend! The team misses you already :)

Christine said...

WOW!! Is that going to be all in one kit???

Sure looks AMAZING!!!

Lost... I wonder if they both got killed off because of the drinking and driving they did a couple months ago...

Anonymous said...

WOW! This kit is absolutely unbelievable! A definite must-have!! We miss you, girl! Glad to hear your trip is going okay so far though. Hope the frog show goes great!!!