Tuesday, May 16, 2006


So Seth's cold has raged ahead into a burning fever. Poor little guy is just crying and glassy eyed, and then he looks up at me and whispers "hopt" (hot) in his poor little way. I have a Dr's appt at 1:30 to figure out what is making my little bubba so ill.

Last night at about midnight, I had just dosed him some cough and cold med, to also help relieve his fever, and I was laying in my bed listening to him. I wanted to make sure he was asleep before I fell asleep, b/c sometimes he unzips his sleeper, and I didn't want him doing that last night. Seth starts to cough, that terrible congesty-cough, where he almost sounds like he's choking... and he just might be, b/c of all that flegm.

I start to get so scared, I mean, don't all mom's feel some fear when they can't control what is happening to their children? I say a prayer to God to help my small boy... when I hear something that lightens my heart.

"meow, meow, meow, meow......"

LOL! I guess my son was feeling a bit better... if he felt like singing some "meows".

This morning, his fever was back up to 102*, so I called the Dr. and got the appt.

A few things have hit the fan within my small group of friends, and it is hurting my heart this morning. Turns out that there was a woman among us who was being quite malicious being many of our backs. Now it seems that she is trying to turn it around and pin it on others, but honestly I don't buy it. When I look at the track record, that speaks for itself. It just makes me sad, that we have gone through so much together, weathered all sorts of heartaches and joys, and she is trying to tear us apart. Its really rather sad, and I am so sorry that it has come to this.

Grey's Anatomy last night literally left me in tears. I am so sad that Denny didn't make it. He was so charming, and such the perfect man for Izzy.... I cried! How sad is that, that I cried for a fictional character? I am also upset with what happened between Mer & Der. Am I the only one who doesn't like their relationship? I know it adds to the drama, but c'mon. He's married. Addison is the woman he should be wooing. Izzy's acting, these past couple shows, in my opinion, deserve an award. Tremendous!

I also finally watched my taped version of The Office. I think that last segment between Jim & Pam was one of the best romantic scenes ever written! The tension, and the acting... just wonderful. If you want to see the part I am referring to, check HERE.

I need to wrap up today's diatribe... seems I've rambled on long enough about everything... I hope that there are some of you out there today... I haven't received many comments lately, and am wondering if you all took a vacation this week, LOL!


Anonymous said...

I am here Andrea! And finally updated my blog. LOL :)
I hope that your little "Sethro" feels better soon. I love that nickname, BTW. LOL It seems like this never ending sickness keeps making its rounds. No fun.
Sorry to hear your friends are having termoil. That is always hard and seems to pull on all the wrong heartstrings.

Christine said...

Let us know how it goes with Seth as soon as you get some news!! Poor little guy!!

I didn't watch Grey's last night!! I sure hope they will play it again this summer!

heidi larsen said...

i am not sure how i got to your blog but i really like it! i appreciate you sharing that video clip from the office! my husband and i LOVE that show and we were out of town and unable to watch it last week! wow! what a scene! very romantic. i hope that they get together! i hope that your little one gets better too.

Josh Virkler said...
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Josh Virkler said...

I'm so sorry about Seth. I hope he feels better soon! So cute about the "meow meow meow!"

Sorry...deleted my last post :)

You've got me really wanting to see the last episode of The Office now...we taped it and haven't gotten a chance to see it (baseball season!) so maybe I'll get Josh to go along with watching it over lunch :)

Julie Jewels said...

Sorry I missed ya yesterday!
Happy Mother's Day! I love those Willow Tree figurines too! My mom got me one with 2 boys and it's just the best treasure!

I love your picture! That's my fav so far I think! Do you have more?

Poor Seth..seems a lot of the babies I 'know' are getting really sick like this! I hope it's not serious and clears up soon!

So sorry your group of friends is going through hard times! That's so tough!

I'm a huge GA fan too! I was just about to link Gina to that writers blog when I saw you did too! LOL

Hurry up with your next kit! I'm waiting!!!!

Josh Virkler said...

Okay, we watched it. WOW!! Soooo amazing. I'm so glad they ended the season that way :)

So now I have to go back and see where Seth's nickname of "Sethro" came from :D

Amber Joy said...

I love little 'meows'. I hope he gets better quick.

Being Mrs Miles said...

awww...poor lil kids - my friend's kids are suffering thru a bout of pink - eye and a cough too.. I hope they get better soon. :)

Anonymous said...

awww, i hope seth feels better soon, so he and mama can sleep better. :)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry hour baby is not feeling well. It is scary not knowing what to do to help!! I hope he gets better soon.

I am so with you about Grey's--I was MAD last night about Mer and what's his name. :) I kept telling dh--he needs to try harder he's married, get over yourself and do the right thing. And I was just mad. I bawled about Denny but even more so when the other intern--can't remember his name (the jerk :) ) talked SO lovingly to Izzy and then lifted her up and held her.

Hope everythign gets better for you. It is no fun have turmoil and be feeling sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope Sethro monkey gets better fast! I know how a mother feels when her baby is sick. It's like you want to tuck him back inside where he'll be safe and sound.
Give him a hug from monkey Teagan and me!
I was bawling last night too, watching GA! I couldn't believe all the sadness!

Jody Knapp said...

Sick babies is the worst. Just give him lots of love.

Greay Anatomy made me cry too. it was SO GOOD! I actually liked the Mer Der thing. He shouldnt be with his wife if he doesnt really love her. Its not fair.

Then lastly. Girls can be so mean. We arent in High School any more...

Phyllis Renée said...

Hi Andrea. Just wanted you to know I'm hear (though I don't always comment). You're a dear.