Unmistakably You by Carrie Stephens, cardboard and negative sleeve by Gina Cabrera.

Shabby Princess Shabby Borders, and Lisa Whitney Star Doodle. English Vivace font.
Journaling reads: I cannot imagine life without you. Your tiny breath in my ear, your laughter ringing loud, your quick cries for hugs and kisses... my day is not complete without these things. My life is not complete without you. I crave your snuggles and I need your affection. How is it that you are only two and already have such a captivating hold on my life? You truly are my bit of charming sunshine. I love you and adore you and can’t wait to have 80 more years with you. As long as you still hold my hand....
So like I said two days ago, The Burns' family did a bit of Black Friday Shopping as well. Except we went late in the afternoon, and it totally made a difference. We started at Target, but their toys were pretty picked over. I did find a Pie Taker though! I had looked at both Walmart and Kmart, but they didn't even carry them. I found Tupperware brand's online, but they were asking $17. Target had a nice one for under $6! Too bad it was a day late, but at least I have one now!
After that we headed to Old Navy, where I found gifts for my sisters. Then we went to Toys R Us and we found most of the things on Seth's List. (I'll have to do up his list later... Blogger is still having issues!)
When I came home, I did a bit of shopping for myself, LOL! I saw this thread at DST talking about these purses, and I had to have one! My dear friend Andrea Wiles has one of these purses too... and I wanted it waaay back when she shared hers with me last Spring. And now I OWN one! YAY! And the GREAT thing is, they shipped it SUPER FAST! I had it within a couple days. I usually sport my red croc purse at Christmas time, so I'll be saving this for after Christmas. Maybe even after the baby comes, so I can show off both, or all of my boys. For those of you who don't digi scrap, this purse has inserts that you can personalize, or basically... you just scrap your own insert.
If you want one you can order one HERE.
I love that purse! I'm off to check out the link!!!
Smashing purse! I love that you set up a photo shoot for you. You can take the photographer out of the studio...
Beautiful LOs, girl!
And oh my...I am in LOVE with that purse!! They're sold out now, but I placed an order for when they come in. Thanks for posting about it!!
LOVE that purse Andrea! I want one :)
OOOOH, I love it. I just pre-ordered mine for the next shipment. Thanks for the link-a-roo!
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