Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Monday....

I am tuckered out. I worked, and I worked ALOT this weekend. 1 to 10 pm on Saturday, and then I had to come in Sunday 11:30 to 5 pm. That was a mistake. I told them I couldn't work Sundays.. you know... due to me being the pastor's wife and all, but I guess my manager forgot and scheduled me, and then said it was too late to change it. So I came in. I slept like the dead both nights, complete with strange dreams.

In one dream, the moon fell out of the sky, kind of like a Plinko Chip from the Price is Right, and that signaled the end of the world.

Working is giving me renewed appreciation and pleasure for being a stay at home mom. It is also helping me learn not to reach for the credit card so often, because that is some stinking hard earned money. I see these mom's come in with their children, and I wish that were me... I am very happy that this is only till Christmas. I like staying home.

Well, it turns out that Baby B is still nameless. The name we had come up with is still just not sitting right with me. So now we are back to the drawing board. There are a couple of new names in the lead now. Why are these 2nd child names so much harder? With Seth we knew that it was THE name. With this one we are still baffled. And me.... it is driving me batty because I like things planned out, and dang it, I want to call him by his name already!

Nate and I haven't had much quality time together for over a week now. Last week he either had special services at church, because of the Missions Conference, or I had to work. So tonight I think we are heading over to Babies R Us to test drive some Double Strollers and some Sit And Stand Strollers. We will most likely NOT be buying, but like I said a paragraph ago... I like to have a plan, LOL!

I've noticed that last couple weeks that my blog comments have dwindled a bit.... I hope everyone is OK! Is there anything I can do to encourage more comments? Sometimes I try to answer back, and that can be hard if you're "anonomous" or don't have a blog addy in your Blogger Profile. I really do appreciate your comments when you do leave them! They really help make my day! :)

Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Morning Andrea,
I happen to be one of the quilty ones who reads your blog but has a anonymous title. The reason is that I have not opened an account with Blogger.
The pictures of Seth from this weekend are great. Isn`t it wonderful when they start cooperating. I know what you mean about being SAHM. Although I had no kids I stayed home one year and I loved. I went back to work when I got an offer I could not refuse. Now we are trying to start a family and I would love to stay home. But unfortunately we are use to a 2 income home and I am afraid we might not be able to go back to a more simple life. I have prayed about it so hopefully the best will come out of it.
Visiting the Amish how lucky are you. I have always been intriguid by their life style. They do have wonderful baked goods. I use to live in Florida and they use to have a Amish Bake sale twice a year. They were famous for their cinnamon buns, yummmmy. Hang in there. Christmas is right around the corner, your debit will be paid for and you will be able to stay home with Seth and rest before the new baby.
Enjoy your quality time with the DH. Have a wonferful day and know that even if we aren`t responding often we always come check you out and make sure you are doing well.

P.s. you responded to me that you were partially cuban on the digiboard (recipe thread). I am also cuban both my parents were born in cuba but came at a very young age I was born and raised in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Another one here who reads your blog regularly! However, I don't get around to posting comments often. You won't know me, but I am 'Sulis' on the DST boards. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I am reading and enjoying your posts, even if I don't comment - and I am sure there are lots of other 'lurkers' out there too! LOL

KirstyB said...

The second one was hard for us too...I can't imagine if she had turned out to be a boy! LOL

I totally hear you about the work thing...I know that I take it for granted that I can stay home with my kiddo's. And it may not always be that way. Hopefully Christmas will come fast and you can be done!! :)

Theresa said...

I used to have odd dreams while pregnant that the sun didn't come up in the morning. Maybe some celestial weirdness is a pregnancy thing...

Names ARE tough, but we actually had a harder time with our first, Mattea, than we did with the boys. Good luck on a name for Baby B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea! Haven't stopped in in a while so just wanted to say hi! Your new kits look great and love all the new pics of Sethro. I left a comment on your preggo thread too :) HUGS!

Stephanie said...

For some reason, I think boy names are harder. I have a friend that is pregnant and she went to the social security website and printed off a list of the top 1000 names for 2005 or something like that to help her decide. :) Good luck! Now go soak your feet and relax.

Moriah said...

I found your blog through a photographer friends link! I wanted to post a comment! LOL! Since I hate when people don't post on mine either.
I think I come to your blog for a little reminder of how great being a mom is!! So thanks a ton!

I have two boys! 22months apart. I must say...IT IS AWESOME! A work out...but still awesome!!
is my personal blog. For a glimpse of your life when yours are 3 and 5!
My biz blog.

I've enjoyed stopping by your blog. Hope you don't mind!

Sara said...

Hey Andrea,
Fellow Sept mommy here. I just thought I'd leave a comment :) I usually don't but I do check your blog daily M-F. Makes me wish I was a sahm :)
Good luck picking a name... and good luck surviving work for a few more weeks!

Being Mrs Miles said...

I really enjoy your blog, though I don't get here every single day. I appreciate your journalling. I am praying for you in your pregnancy and wish you all the best. It must be hard to be a pastor's wife sometimes and a blessing too. My DH and I made a choice to be a one income family and I dont' regret a second of it. Nobody could pay me for the time we would miss together otherwise. I shop carefully and take advantages of things like the library. We remain much closer. I will pray for this for you, too! Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

I read every day but slack on the comments. I don't get many comments either even though most of my readers are family and real life friends.

We're having a very tough time with another boy name too. Sucks. We've had a girl name since we started dating but those boy names are tricky for us, and whaddya know--we've got two! Good luck!

Heather said...

Good luck finding the right name. We never had a problem coming up with the boys' names. If we're ever blessed with a girl we'll be in trouble though. Never were able to come up with even a back up girl's name.

Anonymous said...

LOL you know I read quite often and don't normally leave comments just haven't gotten to that point yet I guess... and actually I didn't even finish reading your blog entry because I knew I wanted to leave you a message about the double strollers =) so then noticed everyone commenting on leaving comments....
So with all that verbage...
I have an almost 4yr old boy and a 15month old little girl and I love my double stroller it is a JOOVY (we have the Joovy caboose) ordered it online though!

Oh and on the names... WE had Isabella picked out when we first decided on internation adoption oh say back in 1999... Ethan came to us a little before we first saw his picture.... (he was supposed to be a Jack-Thomas)

Okay I suppose this is long enough for a comment LOL....
P.S.. Congrats on baby #2... (they will keep you super busy)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog, I just don't usually post. I know, I should, considering I think the same thing. I have lots of hits on my blog, but people rarely comment.

I know exactly what you mean about it being hard to know babies after the first one. I have 4 boys and I mean, after so many names, it's hard to find ones you just love.

I hope you're able to rest up before you have to work some more. I'd have a hard time working there and not wanting to buy all the adorable stuff, especially for the new baby.

Emilie said...

Hi Andrea!!
I've left a few comments in the past but you've never answered back. :(
I really like your blog and your photos are always gorgeous!! I've submitted your blog to my bloglines, so I never miss an update!
See you and take care!

colleb95 said...

I have read your blong in the past like 1x and decided to take a peek again at it. (I came from the Sept 04 BBC board.) I saw that you were having some weird dreams (as most pregnant women do LOL) and just wanted to comment on the End of the World dream. In dream intrepretation (sp) It doesn't mean the end of the world. It actually means a new beginning. Could be the baby your are carrying or something totally beyond that. Hope I helped. :)

colleb95 said...

Typo, meant to say Blog LOL. :P