Friday, November 10, 2006

Silliness & a Field Trip....

My Doctor's Appointment went well yesterday. I gained 6 (!) Lbs this past month. I asked the nurse to compare weight gain from this baby to Seth's pregnancy, and she started LOL.... apparently I've gained the exact same weight, and exactly from month to month. I thought that was funny, at first. Now I'm a little upset because I thought I was doing better eating (no nightly ice cream and brownies) and such. I have really slacked on my walking, so that might be to blame.

My fundal height was 22 cm. I forgot to ask HeartBeat. When she was taking the HB, it was very uncomfortable! She finally found the HB, but it was by pressing right on Baby B, I swear.

My OB scheduled me back in 3 weeks for my 24 weeker.

Now get this craziness! My OB is preggo remember? She is getting induced on Dec 1st. She is only taking 1 week off! Can you believe that? I called her a brave woman, LOL! She did say that she would be bringing the baby with her to work. So I guess she'll be slinging him around the office, or keeping him in her office. But still... One week!


Last night Seth and I sat down and played with his Lego's for quite a while. This picture... has alot of firsts in it~

One; it's Seth's first tower he built completely on his own. Isn't it pretty?!?!? Secondly; this picture is Seth's first smile, caught on demand! I couldn't believe it! I said "Smile!" and he cheesed it pretty big, and I got it! It makes me LOL!

Let me tell you something else about my kid... I think I see a bit of Type A personality coming out in him. He would be on the vrege of tears when he couldn't snap the legos together instantly. Also, once the tower got high, he'd laugh and yell "blow, blow!" and mommy would blow it over. He'd laugh until it hit the ground, and then he'd cry b/c of the pieces lying there... And yet we did that over and over for at least 30 minutes. Crazy Charlie.

After the tower picture I wanted to see if I could catch another cheesy on-demand smile, and lo and behold... this is what the kid gave me~

Isn't that hysterical? What a ham! At least I can start capturing expressions rather than him looking everywhere BUT me! But BEST yet, was this face I caught about 2 seconds after the one above....

BWAHAHAHA! It's Seth's first funny face on purpose, caught on camera! What a treasure!

(BTW~ doesn't his lip look great?)


My reason of a very late post today... we just got back from a field trip! LOL! Those same missionaries that came to dinner last night wanted a tour of Amish country. So a man in our church who gets to work with them from time to time set up a neat tour. I wasn't missing out on this! We got to go into an Amish home (a very rare honor indeed) and experience them cooking Amish doughnuts and eating them. Talk about yummy... twice the size az Krispy Kreme, and even more delicious!

From there we went to a couple different Amish farms and witnessed them working in a furniture shop, and running a Goods Shop. It was fascinating. And even though I've lived here for over 3 years, I learned some new things today. For instance, I thought that most of them spoke with a slight german accent. Not the case. Most of them had normal western PA accents.

They really do live quiet and very rustic lives. A life that is not for me, but very interesting to visit for a day anyways!

Thats it from me today... I hope all of you have a great weekend! I have to work tomorrow night, but that is it for any special plans.


Jenna said...

What a loveable face!!!

Theresa said...

Seth is just too cute!! Love all the faces. Wow on your OB! That's amazing. When mine were a week old, I could barely leave the house, much less go back to work! She is super-mom!

Anonymous said...

You can hardly see Seth's scar. It has healed very well. I love those pics! He is so photogenic. Isn't the Amish life amazing?! I have been to a few towns up in IN when I use to visit my aunt and uncle. I always thought it would be neat to live like that. They seem so happy and content with their simple lives. Glad things went well at your visit. Hope you have a good week!