Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day....

I am so happy today is Election Day. Not because we are overtly political, or even a tiny smote of political.... I am just anxious to get those Ads off of my TV! "He said, She said..." "Liar/ Deceiver...." Oh man, give me a break, and get today over with so they aren't in my face any more.

So get out there, and go vote! Make your voice and opinion heard! :)


Here is my latest Belly shot for ya'll. This is me about 21 weeks along... over halfway. There is no mistaking it now!

As for the new baby's name... I think we have settled on it. We are 90% sure of what its going to be. And I'm more positive than Nate. But I do think we are going to wait a while before announcing. Some of you do know his name... my Pumpkins and yes~ some of my Chicks (Kim G! ;)

Yesterday Seth did the cutest thing! Every once in a while I'll tell him that mommy has a baby in her belly, and he'll just look at my belly like its an alien. Yesterday he saw a baby on TV and called out "Baby! Baby!" I agreed with him, and then asked where mommy's baby was? He lifted my shirt to bare my tummy, and smiled, and then he started waving "hello" to the baby! I about died, it was so precious!


Workin my first shift last Saturday was a looong day. And the wrong day to wear new shoes! LOL~ they weren't bad, but 9 hours NOT in tennis shoes proved brutal to my toes. I got home at 7:30 and just bombed on the couch. Nate rubbed my toes, but I swear I waddled like a little old lady when I had to get up, LOL!

I worked again last night (and I wore my Nike's!). Actually I thought my shift was from 1 to 10... so I drove my 30 min there and found out I wasn't on till 5 pm! LOL! So I went home, and went back. Turns out since I'm seasonal they aren't even going to train me on registers. (sigh). Two months of nothing but folding and straightening. Kinda sucks, but it'll do. At least its cute stuff!


Week 7's recipe thread is up. And its a GREAT one this week! Come on over and share your favorite COOKIE & CANDY RECIPES with us!

Happy Tuesday!


Being Mrs Miles said...

Awww - your POOR TIRED FEET. I know my DH puts in some long hard days and so I give him a good foot massage. Must be x2 hard for you w/ being pregnant. I hope all goes well. I wanted to let you know that I used your link to the name site - thanks so much. You can see it here if you would like (tho you should be resting those feet instead! LOL) www.lalalime.blogspot.com

I enjoy your blog very much and I have reffered readers here in my tip!

Theresa said...

One more day of political ads and then I never again have to hear the one against prop 87. Honestly, I was going to vote against it anyway, but I've heard that ad literally, over 100 times. Over $100 million was spent to defeat it. I almost voted for it in protest to the ads!

Awww, how sweet of Seth waving to his baby brother! Sibling interaction is the best, Andrea!