Monday, November 20, 2006

GAP Holiday....

I am exaughsted (how do you spell that word?) I worked Friday night, and then ALL day Saturday. I had 2 hours left in my shift Sat, and just wanted to cry, I was hurting. And then I came home and just wanted to sit on the couch.

Yesterday I was able to rest some. I am still working on these dang wedding photos and I have to go into work tonight.

I tell you what though... I am loving my discount. I walked out the store Friday night with a bag full of goodies for both Seth and the new bean, and all for just $30! And it was a BIG bag too!

We may have finally settled on a name for the bean. But I think we are going to let it settle in and test it the next couple days.

We are busy planning for Thanksgiving, and trying to get our ducks in a row. This year we are heading to my mother in law's for dinner. It'll be us 3, Nate's mom and dad, his brother, and his aunt, uncle, and Gram. A nice crowd!

Dinner will be around 5 pm (maybe...) and we HAVE to leave by 9 or 9:30 pm, so we can get home, and let me get to work.

That's right... go to work.

Our Outlets open at midnight that night for Black Friday shopping. Guess who's manager scheduled her for the 12 am till 9 am shift? Thanks for taking some pity on the pregnant woman.... LOL! I think it'll be somewhat busy at work that night. We already know of at least 11 buses coming to shop those hours!

As for what I'm contributing to Thanksgiving dinner... here goes:

Cranberry Bread for breakfast Thurs morning
Cheese Ball, crackers, and Hot Apple Cider for Thurs afternoon
Sweet Potatoes, Crescent Rolls, and an Apple Pie for Thanksgiving Dinner

My in laws are grilling a turkey for the main meat. LOL! Those Burns' boys LOVE their grill!

Happy Monday!


Kelly said...


You open at MIDNIGHT for shopping?? Every couple of years it seems the time gets a little earlier but MIDNIGHT??? That's crazy. And seriously why would anyone schedule a pregnant lady for that shift? That's not nice!

Stephanie said...

Uh, sounds like your mgr has never been pregnant! Gee that stinks.

Grilled turkey sound fabulous! Mine will be in the roaster as usual. :)

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe they are making you work a midnight shift on the busiest shopping day of the year! What were they thinking?? I will be thinking of you while I'l fast asleep. :) I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mom tried to get your grandparents to join us this year since they are by themselves, but they said they would be fine. I'm glad they are able to get out and about and come to church again. Our back row hasn't been the same without them.

Susan said...

OMG - MIDNIGHT???? I hate Black Friday and I've never shopped it since the HELL we went through in 1992!! LOL~ I will pray for your back and feet!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have to work that shift - I agree with those above - that is NOT nice!!! I would have to really need the money to work that shift! Poor thing - please take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness, girl!! You are working your little pregnant buns off!! Make sure to take it extra easy on your days off. You're taking care of another little one in there, ya know! ( mother hen routine is over!) ;)

Kristin said...

I can't believe you have to work after thanksgiving!!! That just NUTS!! I would be crying too after all these hours! I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope that you have a nice and easy shift!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,
I am a new reader. My name is Angela. Do you work for Gap? I work for the call center. :o)
You have a really nice blog. I wish I was a digital designer. I would love that. Anyway, I love the font you use on your photographs. Could you please tell me what it is called?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, I don't know if I have had grilled turkey before. Sounds like something matt would do though.
I hope that you aren't going to be too crazy busy with all the crazy shoppers. Not so nice that they put the preggo mom on. They should give your holiday pay since Black Friday is like a shopping holiday! :)