Friday, January 25, 2008

PAD #25

28mm, F2.8, ISO 200, SS 6 seconds

Last night Nate and Seth went "camping" for the first time in our basement. Here they are having fun with a flashlight. I had my camera on tripod, and the Shutter speed was 6 seconds to properly expose the light like this.
Phew! My teeth and gums are sore. I had a very vigorous cleaning yesterday. My dentist also found 2 cavities. :( Oh well, at least they are right next to each other, so she can knock them both out at one time. However, being new to MD, our dental insurance doesn't cover cavities till we've been clients for 6 months, so I won't have them filled till May, LOL!

Actually, she found a couple other cavities too. I've always been proud that I have all my teeth. I had the room for my wisdom teeth, and they came in straight, no problems. Well, she caught a couple cavities in a couple yesterday, but she really wants those to come out. She says "why bother to fill them, when they are so far in the back?" Eventually they would just infect the gums and molars next to them. Soooo.... after we look into what our dental insurance does, I'll be looking to say Goodbye to my wisdom teeth.

We are cleaning house today! And then, we'd better go do something fun, or else you might hear about us on your nighttime news. And it won't be pretty. LOL!


Kim said...

That is a great shot. Any recommendations for tripods? i have an Olympus and I have a tripod that came with for free when I bought my external flash but it seems so flimsy and wobbly.

Teeth, oooh I hate going to the dentist. ALl my wisdom teeth are out.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that's a beautiful shot! I can't stop looking at it. And it seems so fun for them to have been camping indoors. So sweet!

Anonymous said...

OMG Andrea you take the best photos.I have a Nikon d50 and would you recommend any books on how to get started for photography? Like the ISO, Aperture, shutter speed and all that?? I would really love to learn !!