Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day of Remembrance....

I had planned on posting a blow by blow of our vacation, along with all of the photos you could probably handle.

But after watching TV this morning, I feel to somber and rather sad by this day, and what it meant 5 years ago. I find myself remembering feelings, sadness, uncertainty, and most deffinately, fear.

I was student teaching in a 2nd grade class. The principal had come on the intercom and told us to turn the TV's on. My Head teacher and I watched the 2nd plane fly in..... We kept the TV on all day, with the sound on low, so as to not disturb nor distress the students. None of them understood what was going on, and they didn't really care to watch boring ole' news.

I was so afraid. I was just newly married, and I was afraid that WW3 had just started and that my husband was about to be drafted. Little did I know that 6 months later he would accidently cut of his trigger finger, and since has become clergy, now making it almost impossible for a draft.

We watch movies like Pearl Harbor, and are taken back to a time of the same type of terrorism, but did we take heed? Or were we just entertained?

May you remember all that you hold dear in life today. Please give extra kisses and hugs to your loved ones.


Anonymous said...

5 years ago I was working at the pre-school/after-school. None of us could believe what was going on. That afternoon we spent a lot of time talking with the kids about what happened. You hear about bombings all over the world everyday and never think that it could happen to your country. I hope and pray that the past 5 years have taught us that every day is a gift from God and it could be our last so we should live it to the fullest. Thanks for sharing and glad you're back from vacation safe and sound!

Anonymous said...

It seems like it was just yesterday that all of this happened. And you would think as the years pass it would be easier to see what happened, but I think it just gets worse. It makes you really take a step back and be grateful for everything that we have with us here and now cause it call all change in a matter of seconds.

Anonymous said...

5 years ago I was working at a hospital and could only imagine what those hospital workers were going through that day. Such a sad day in American history. But, isn't it wonderful to know we have hope. Hope that GOD is God and we are not. He knows how September 11th 2001 fits just perfectly into His perfect plan. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My loved ones definately got extra 'I love yous' today.

Julie Jewels said...

Welcome home Andrea.
I think we all understand the need for some introspect and somberness today!

Anonymous said...

Oh Andrea, your comment about Pearl Harbor is so true...we were all in our own comfort zone and got snapped out of it more quickly than we were ready...terrific write up...