Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What Has Society Come To?

OK, so last night after dinner, Nate and I decided to go to Barnes and Noble to get some Starbucks and peruse the shelves. I got the Cinnamon Dolce Latte, which tastes just like a cinnamon bun, liquefied. Anyways, I was talking to the Reference Desk people and glanced at the nearby Biography Section. And what do I see? Well, there were the Greats, Benjamin Franklin, Anne Frank, Gandhi, Rosa Park, ... and Colin Farrel. What? Colin Farrel? Since when did he become such a big deal that his "bio" could sit next to Anne Frank's? It just struck me as so funny, because he hasn't done anything worth merit... and besides he is so young, will we be seeing his Bio, part 2 in a few years?

I am really sad that there are people out there stealing creativity. I had the distinct pleasure of working with Danielle Toews for DMM's last issue, and someone out there is taking her ideas, her blog titles even. It just makes me angry, b/c she is an unbelievably talented photographer, and now she is considering not showing her work anymore.

The twins are still doing well. They have gained a few ounces, and are almost back up to their birth weight. Kim is still hanging in there, and is still so positive. Please say a prayer for them, and for my friend Heather, who just had some major surgery yesterday.

I feel like I have lost a bit of my photog and my digi scrapping mojo. I've been a bit busy completing things for DMM & TDC, that when I sit down to do personal things... the mojo is gone. Here is one photo I haven't shared yet... sorry the background is blown, but just look at that face! Aren't you jealous that I get to smooch it whenever I want?


Anonymous said...

I don't like people who steal stuff either. It happened to me not to long ago as well, and it's just so frustrating. Not to mention it really hurt my heart. Luckily though I kinda scared this person by reminding of copyright laws, not to mention Exif info and stuff. lol So it was all taken care of in a good calm manner. Still, very frustrating that someone would even attempt it.

I am glad to hear the twins are doing better! Hopefully they will continue to grow stronger everyday! I will continue to keep them in my prayers! As well as your other friend who had surgery!

I LOVE Seth's picture!! He is just so adorable. I want to squeeze those cute lil cheeks!!lol

Okay, I will end now that I am rambling again, this is my 2nd comment post, it ate the first one. Must be blogger today..grrr

Shannon Bieger said...

Wait...someone is stealing her ideas AND her blog titles? Like a stalker or what? That's creepy.

What a handsome little smooch-face your boy is. Cutie, cutie, cutie!

LOL Colin Farrel? He's nothin' special. Now if it were Will Ferrel....