Monday, February 20, 2006

They've gone home.....

Oh my.... Its almost 5 pm! Where has the day gone? I swear, on Mondays when Nate has the day off, and I can really get "things" done, it just goes too quickly. I have been designing and distressing all day.

I had a great time with the folks. Seth really impressed them with his ability to say "hot" and "woof woof." They got a kick out of his running around, and I got lots of "boy, he sure is a busy one!" LOL!!

We really racked up at the Outlets on Saturday. Seth has a complete wardrobe for next winter, minus a few dressy pieces for church. You gotta love the $5 rack at Carters, where we found most of his t-shirts and track suits. One thing that was ticking me off, was the lack of dressier items for boys. I mean... you walk into any store, and there are mounds of girl's dresses... and for boys? Nada! We lucked out finally, in an Osh Kosh, just finding one nice button down and vest for Easter. I mean come on! We are in church every Sunday, and I want my kid in something nicer than a snowboard T.


Speaking of snowboarding~ I thoroughly enjoyed the Snowboard Cross during the Olympics. Like Nascar for snowboarding.... except I hate Nascar, LOL! Four snowboarders speeding though a rough terrain, sometimes right on top of each other. A crash is almost a guarantee and the finish oh, so sweet. Too bad Jacobellis had to screw up her gold.

Over at DMM we are working up a storm to put together March's issue. Its going to rock! The CT's LO's are soooo fabulous, and the kit they are making is glorious! Be on the lookout for my dad! LOL! My article needed some bloodshot eyes... and well, my dad's were perfect, LOL!

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