Thursday, December 06, 2007

Cube Card *DIP Version*

My new Cube Card is now NEW in DIP .png format!

It's a card... it's an ornament! This double duty surprise arrives folded like a card, but once assembled it transforms into a holiday photo ornament. Directions included!

In DIP .png format.

Get it Here

Get it HERE in PS Format

Check out these great examples!



I'm a busy girl today... I have to get ready to leave for the wedding tomorrow. Packing up the cars and boys and such. my Mom-In-Law is meeting me in PA and taking both boys for the weekend. This will be my first time away from Lucas ever! But it will be so much easier with all the wedding stuff happening.

We got some unseasonable snow yesterday... Its a bit early for this part of the country to get it, but I'm not complaining, its pretty!

My foot is still very painful, but its all my fault. Crutches are such a DANG nusance, so I don't use them, and I pay for it at the end of the night. I just got off thephone w/ the Dr and he upgraded me to *3 Advils* 3 times a day.

I promise to start using my crutches.... next week, LOL!

1 comment:

Angelina Schwarz said...

Awwww! I'm honored you put our card on your blog! :) I'll have to take a pic of the ornament I did of came out SO cute!

Your tree is beautiful and the boys are too cute in their red jammies!

Have fun at the wedding and take it easy on that foot!