Yourself: Trying to be better organized. In life, in my house, on this computer, everywhere. Trying hard to stay on top of it and not getting overwhelmed.
Your partner: The best husband and father in town. Very patient and very giving of his time. I adore that he is such a renaissance man... he really can do it all! I love him so!
Your hair: Auburn Brown hair....and letting it grow out...
Your mother: A prime example of how a woman should love her husband. She adores her grandsons... to the point of my neglect, LOL! ;)
Your father: My children's biggest JOY!!!!! He has all the coolest toys to play with (ie. tractor and motorcycle).
Your favorite item: I love my camera...and my wedding ring.
Your dream last night: Big Spiders. Enough said. LOL I have weirdo dreams.
Your favorite drink: COFFEE~COFFEE~COFFEE. My current passion is Tanzania Peaberry.
Your dream car: Ha! A Toyota Sienna with drop down TV's and DVD, LOL! If I weren't a mom, then I think those Nissan Murranos are pretty sharp... Or should I go with the '66 Mustang Fastback?
Dream home: A Craftsman style cottage in here in Maryland or in Durham, NC. Decorated wall to ceiling like it came out of Cottage Living, or by the hands of my sister-in-law Gen (she awesome at interiors!).
The room you are in: My newly finished basement, the part of the room that is my Computer/ guest/ studio room.
Your fear: Losing my spouse or child. Enough said about that too.
Where you want to be in 10 years: Holy Cow... Seth will be in Middle School! Hopefully a single family home, in this very same area.
Who you hung out with last night: Nate and I had dinner at PF Chang's, then we went home and watched The Wedding Crashers.
You’re not: technically inclined. Seriously! Photoshop was a challenge for me, as I'm sure setting up a photo studio will also be a challenge, LOL!
One of your wish list items: An Alien Bee Light (or 2!) and an 85mm lens.
The last thing you did: I played Holiday music in the bank with some other musicians from our church, then we braved Walmart.
You are wearing: Old Navy khakis, red Express Sweater, one black Mudd shoe and one stylish orthopedic boot.
Your favorite weather: Hands down, SUMMER. But Christmas time is ALSO my very fave!
Your favorite book: If you've read me long enough, you certainly know the answer to this, LOL! Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Last thing you ate: Nate made me french toast this morning, YUMM.
Your life: OVERWHELMINGLY THANKFUL for the opportunities I have had to raise these beautiful babies, watch them grow and still work in the midst of that. Head over heels in love with my guy and can't imagine life without him.
Your mood: Excited for the party later tonight, stressed out that my house is still a big unpacked, not-totally decorated mess.
Your best friend: Nate!
What are you thinking about right now: how I need to go up and curl my hair...err.. at least try to.
Your car: VW Jetta
What are you doing at the moment: Typing this.
Relationship status: Happily married, 6 years
What is on your t.v: Nate is watching sports center
When is the last time you laughed: At the bank this morning, during our set. The other flutist with me and I were having a hard time. We were sight reading, playing an octave higher than what was written, AND they just started a song in B flat, when our stuff was written in C. HAHA! Fun times, LOL!
So this party tonight is formal... and this is what I'm wearing. LOVE it! I LOVE that I was able to buy it a size smaller than I'm currently wearing, LOL! I'm a bit disappointed that I have to wear my boot on one foot and my lovely silver heel on the other, but oh well.

Good Times!