Seth, complete with nap hair, crusty nose, and a just-woken-up expression. This makes me giggle!
I am not big on props, but I thought the wooden motorcycle was really cute, and it was classy. I hate their plastic props! Sorry the scan isn't the best. His cheesy half-fake smile makes Nate and I bust out laughing... its great! And his lip is barely noticeable!
I'm really hoping that this is the year I can invest in some backdrops and some lights and do some of this stuff myself. We'll see! I've been pricing what I need over at Alien Bees, and it is going to take me a while to save up. It doesn't help that I am a bit confused to what I'll need, LOL!
After the photos, we rushed home, because Nate and I had this District Pastor and Pastor's Wive's Christmas Banquet, complete with Christmas Family Fued. It was alright... we ususally tend to be the youngest ones there, LOL!
Next, we picked Seth up from the family watching him, and was home by 8 pm. Looong day.
I had a terrible night's sleep. We went to bed as usual around midnight, but I didn't fall asleep till close to one. I had to get up and p.e.e about 4. And then I was wide-eyed awake around 6:30 (Bean was having a party!). I finally fell sleep right before Nate's 8 am alarm went off.
That was my day Monday, LOL!
Oh! Photog related that made me feel good, LOL~My friend that I took photos for, the little blonde girl in my Dec 1st entry? Anyways, she took them to Walmart to get printed out, and they hasseled her about whether or not they were professional, and was she "sure she had permission to print them out" and such! YAY! LOL! They finally let her, but it made me feel good!
Yesterday was another hair raising day. Our dryer quit working, so I have all this laundry on the floor downstairs, and I had a full load of clothes drying in various places around the house. The Fix-It man is coming today. I got all of my Christmas Cards addressed and mailed. Then last night Nate and I wrapped up all of our family's gifts. While that happened an important stack of Nate's papers disappeared. He had just brought them in from his meeting.
He spent the next half hour or so looking for them... and mind you this was after Seth went to bed. I couldn't help but giggle. Anyways, he found a few interesting things. One... he found the GROSS sippy of milk in the entertainment center. It had been there for a while. Both of our nasal passages are clogged at the moment, so we never smelled it. Nate certainly got some good whiffs pouring the "Lump" down the drain. ICK!
Next, we found out that YES, Seth is indeed trying to burn down the house. Nate opened the oven, and found his papers in there... along with a new pack of batteries I had just bought at WalMart. Can you imagine, had I turned that on? BOOM!
Lesson of the day.... check your oven before turning it on.
I slept really well last nigt, but this morning I find myself very cranky. Nate ate the last Apple Struedel Pop Tarts for breakfast this morning. The ones I started craving last night, and totally had plans to eat myself this morning. I get up this morning... waddle downstairs.... and empty box and wrapper. Meanie! He doesn't even like them! Doesn't he realize what this does to a pregnant woman? I had to settle for oatmeal...
And now I'm waiting on the Fix-It man. Also~ my mother in law is having the hardest time finding that Little People Ramps Around Garage for Seth's Christmas gift. We are both so disappointed. Neither of us can find it in stock anywhere, and of course it's twice the price on Ebay.
Supplies Needed: Plain Glass Ornament, white, orange, and black acrylic paints, decorative ribbon.
Directions: Dip child's hand in white paint and carefully place handprint on ornament. Wait till dry. Paint on hat, mouth, buttons, and arms with black paint, and paint carrot nose in orange paint.Wait till dry. Tie ribbon at top of ornament.
Optional: I painted the name and year on the back of the ornament.
This was on a little business size card and tied with a ribbon to the top of the bulb... I left it on and hang it with the poem and all..
These aren't just 5 snowmen as anyone can see
I made them with my hand,Which is a part of me.
Now each year when you trim the tree
You'll look back and recallChristmas of 200_
When my hand was just this small.
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday Bloggie! I noticed that Embellish Blog has been open for a year now! And I've had almost 100,000 visits. THANK YOU! What a neat thing this "blogging", this online- journaling has been.
For your friendship, for your input and advice, and plain just for fun~ here is a wee giftie from me to you!
Download LINK ONE
Download LINK TWO
First come first serve! When the links run out, I'm sorry! Please leave me a note if you do take it, I LOVE my blog replies! Have a great Tuesday, and I'll see you tomorrow!
At the Tree Farm! Daddy and Seth searching for just the right tree. Actually it was Mama who nixed this one or that one because it didn't seem tall enough, or full enough. LOL!
Upon discovery of this tree, Seth declared, "NICE TREE!" So we made it ours! LOL!
We brought it home, set it up, and decorated all afternoon. I am so pleased with how our tree turned out! It is nice and tall and full! No gapey-spots, AND it actually had a deffinitive top for our angel. LOL~ Our last 2 trees from Lowe's, the top was either way off on the side and not in the middle... or there were 2 to choose from. And for the same price, you really couldn't beat going to a farm to pick it out! And BONUS! It'll stay fresh longer since it wasn't cut 2 weeks ago.
We use red and white lights on our Christmas tree.
And here is our house from the outside... I love our red and white theme! One of these years I AM going to get some of those lit-trees and a deer or two.....
Thanks for stopping by and looking!
After The Nativity Movie the other night, we stopped at the local Christmas display- slash- Christmas store, and what did I find?????? A Brown puppy just like Seth's Blue puppy! Awesome! I picked one up for Bean! Now both my boys will have the same puppy, but in different colors! These are the Gund Spunky line.
Here's Seth's.....
Here's Bean's.....
Hopefully he'll love him just as much as Seth loves Blue Dog. I was joking with Nate that we deffinitely HAVE to have a girl next. (Yes, we do want 3 :) You see... they only have a pink dog left in the Spunky line, LOL! Its a sign, I tell ya!
I think we might take Seth to see that Christmas display tonight. This store decorates, like you wouldn't believe. They start in Septemeber, and have this HUGE inside walk through display of what seems to be a hundred themes and a million trees, and a bazillion ornaments and lights. It really is something, and we know that Seth will enjoy it. The only pitfall is that they put the entrance right in the back of the toy section of the store. Stinkers...
I have no clue what the aunts and uncles are getting him, LOL! I stuggle with wanting to buy him more... but he doesn't need any "more" and I really shouldn't spoil him....
I'm excited! We are decorating the Christmas tree today, and getting the house all Christmas-fied. We are doing something new this year and actually going to a tree farm to cut down our own tree. Usually we just headed to Lowe's a picked out a pre-cut, but not today! YAY! Should be fun.