Monday, March 05, 2007

Still Here....

Since when did my body become public property? I've had more people touch my belly or rest their hands on the shelf of my belly in the last 2 days than ever before..... all combined I think, LOL!

And I'm really getting irritated with everyone always asking how I feel or when I'm due. Or like the girl last night who asks me every week..."still wearing your rings?" My word, I'm about to go postal!

I am also about to cry, and I really hope I am not alone here! My belly has run out of room! It LITERALLY hurts for my baby to move.

It feels like my skin is tearing and he's trying to come out of my belly button. It has been progressively getting worse the past couple days, but now if he moves or stretches... PAIN.....

We made this really yummy orange glazed salmon over the weekend, and here's the recipe if anyone is interested!

Crispy Orange-Glazed Salmon

2/3 cup orange juice
3 TBS rice wine vinegar
2 TBS soy sauce
1 small chile pepper, thinly sliced and seeded
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 (1-inch) piece fresh ginger, grated
2-4 (4 to 6 ounce) salmon filets
2 TBS olive oil, divided
salt, to taste
fresh ground pepper, to taste
2 TBS honey

Garnished Hot Cooked Rice

1. Stir together first 6 ingredients in a glass baking dish or shallow bowl. Add salmon and drizzle with 1 TBS of olive oil, turning to coat evenly. Marinate at least 30 minutes. Remove salmon, reserving maranade, and season with salt and pepper.

2. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat, and add remaining 1 TBS of olive oil. Cook salmon 3 to 4 minutes per side, or until fish begins to flake with fork; remove from pan. Pour reserved marinade into skillet, and add honey. Heat about 3 minutes or until syrupy. Serve Salmon warm over mound of rice, topped with sauce.

Garnish hot cooked rice with bean sprouts, chopped fresh cilantro, shaved carrots. (I actually mixed all this in with 7 or 8 minutes cook time left on the rice and stirred well.)


Nate's dad suffered the Peretinits (colon rupture) in Jan '05. We'll he's worn a colostomy bag ever since. He is FINALLY having the reversal surgery on Tuesday, all day. Its very extensive. (This is the reason I can't rely on MIL to be my childcare, b/c she'll be caring for FIL.)

I've encouraged Nate to go sit with his mom for most of the surgery. Its about 2 hours away.

But now he's talking about going to spend the night Monday night and spend all day Tuesday with them.

I don't know how to feel about that... on one hand I DO want him to help support his mom, but on the other... I'm not sure I want him so far away for so long when I could go into labor and be even more by myself.

Just hanging around till my DA at 1:20. I really hope that there's been progress... but maybe not too much to hinder Nate from going to his parents.

If I'm only a 2 or less he should go... I'm thinking if I'm a 3 or more he should stay, LOL! I wanted to ask for a membrane strip, but now I'm not so sure..... All of this just makes me fret.

Anyways, please say a special prayer for my FIL. His name is Ed, and this surgery is a long time coming, and is going to be very extensive.

Thanks, all of us Burns' appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Andrea, I'll keep Ed in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the surgery is a full success.

I'm so sorry you are uncomfortable. Just hang in there and hopefully Bean will come soon so you can get some relief!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're overdue. I was exactly one week past my due date when I had my first DS, so I kinda know how you feel! Hopefully you'll have your little bean soon!

I'll also keep your FIL in my prayers, I hope it goes well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea! The good news is that it's all in the Lords' hands! Lucky for us, we don't have to make everything work - He'll take care of that. I'm sorry your adorable little tummy is out of room. Tell Bean to just hang in there for a little while longer!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you're feeling lousy Andrea. Those last weeks/days of hpregnancy are the worst.

That salmon recipe sounds DELISH!! I'm going to have to try that one...if I ever get around to actually cooking something! LOL

I'll definitely keep your FIL in my prayers!!

JennStar said...

Ok, forget the part of the email I just sent you that asked how you are doing today! LOL! (sorry, and I remember that feeling, too, so I really should have known better! LOL).
I'm praying that your FIL's surgery would be text-book! And also that whatever God would want Nate to do (stay or go, over night or just on Tuesday), that you would both have a peace about it- that it would be confirmed in both of you.
Good luck with the Dr. appointment!! Whew-hoo!! (at this stage, aren't they just the most fun!!- darn it, where's that sarcasm button on this blasted keyboard. . . .)

Jenna said...

Oh, i know how frustrating those last days are and NOTHING anyone says helps a bit. But, I wanted to say good luck and I'm thinking of you anyway. And sending up prayers for your FIL too.

Melanie said...

Prayers for all of you!! Sounds like you all have needs for them...just in different ways. {{HUGS}} I remember that ending point...feeling huge, uncomfortable, and irritated by absolutely, positively everyone!! LOL...Ugh... Just think though, little Bean will be here before you know it!

Shannon Morrison said...

praying for your FIL!

is rice wine vinegar the same as rice vinegar? i could find wine vinegar or rice vinegar but not rice wine.

Anonymous said...

Hope everything goes well with your FIL. I know how you feel about the pregnancy comments. I was in sales when I was pregnant so I still had to go out and see clients. I had this one who would always comment on how I just got bigger and bigger everytime he saw me. That's just what I wanted to hear!