Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St Patrick's!

Hey Ya'll!

The Guestimate winners are Rachel, jennieb75, and Dielle. If ya'll could throw me an email to, with your kit of choice, I'll get those to you ASAP.

We are busy adjusting... and trying to get our days and nights un-mixed, LOL!

Lucas has already had a skin issue which rushed us to the Ped's office last Thursday!

We noticed on Wednesday that his eyes were really red and swollen. I thought maybe it was a reaction to a blnaket we laid him on. So we got an appnt. the following day... it wasn't an emergency, he was breathing and crying lustily.

They were really great with isolating us away from everyone else. When the nurse was checking Lucas stats (down to 8.2 lbs) I asked if I was overreacting. She looked right at me and said "NO, its good you came in."

See... now his eyes were red and swollen and has lots of white raised bumps on top of that!! My Lucas looked a bit like a toad. I started to cry a bit when Dr Papa (pay-puh) came in looked at Lucas and was like "what is that?" His Ped didn't know right off? That scared me.

He started asking me all sorts of scary questions like Did I or Seth have chicken pox 2 weeks before birth? Did I notice anyone handle him with open wounds? Then he started asking if I tested positive for GSB, and I said yes. Then he went to check how many doses of antibiotic I got. Which BTW~ was 3 doeses. He said that this meant Lucas has about 10 days worth of it in his system. So it can't be that.

Then he started checking him out physically, not liking what he saw. He sniffed the umbi cord, he checked the circ. Then he decided to take a culture of one of the spots. He thinks the eyes and the baby acne are related. So I stepped away and cried for a second while Nate held Lucas and the doc opened a spot and took a culture. We won't know conclusive results till Monday.

Dr Papa says he does NOT think it has to do with the blanket. He does NOT think its anything serious. He thinks its just something called Pustular Melanosis, a form of "skin flora."

He said if it was SERIOUS, Lucas would be acting all wimpy, no crying, really limp, no yawning. If it was an infection, we would notice signs at his most irritated spots, ie: umbi cord and circ. We are to still look for these signs the next few days.

He prescribed another antibiotic, Just to Be Safe, and a gel to rub on Lucas' eyes.

My poor bubba! I am not so scared anymore, but I am still worried. I can't wait till Monday!

Today its looking MUCH better. Spots are drying up and the sweeling is mostly gone. Just a bit o' jaundice.


Cutie Pie Seth moment:

He's learned the This Little Piggies nursery Rhyme. And when I'm nursing bare foot he's at my toes going "Dis Piggy Piggy, dis piggy piggy, dis piggy piggy, dis piggy piggy WEE WEE HOOOOOME."

It cracks us UP! So funny!


Anonymous said...

Awww! Seth sounds so cute! Uggh, these newborn baby days can be so nerve-wracking. It's just so hard to not get worried when they're that little! Hopefully, Dr. Papa has it all figured out and little Lucas will be o the mend right away!


Amy Covey said...

How scary! It's so hard when something is wrong with your little one. I'll keep you and Lucas in my thoughts and pray that Monday comes quickly.

Anonymous said...

Lucas will be in our prayers this weekend. Hope Monday brings you some good news!

Anonymous said...

Oh Andrea,
Sending you hugs and prayers. I'm sure everything will be fine. That is so cute and sweet about Seth and the piggies! I hope you get good news and relief Monday!

Theresa said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! I can just imagine how terrified you were. Glad it wasn't anything more serious. I was wondering if it was a form of thrush. My daughter had that on her face and tush when she was very young from the IV antibiotics they gave me after my c-section. Guess I developed it and passed it on to her.

Sandra Holmes Stanton said...

Andrea, hang in there! Everything will be fine... this is just the universe giving you a taste of what motherhood of two will be like. It's always something, that's my motto! Sorry your first days home have been such a whirlwind. You did the right thing to get Lucas checked out, and on Monday they will tell you all is well!

Keeping your family in my thoughts!

JennStar said...

Oh no!! Poor little man! And poor Momma! That's the worst, especially when they are so tiny! Tomorrow you'll have the results and I'm sure that it's something that will leave him quickly!! I'm praying for you guys!! Let us know what the test results say!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and your family. Having a new little one is soo exciting! I have a 3 month old and I can't believe how fast time has passed. My 2 year old loves her little brother too! I remember those long nights. AND I am sure he is going to be just fine with all the prayers he's getting. Take care VIrginia M.

Tamra said...

Awww poor Lucas and poor mama. I'm sorry Andrea. In know it's scary when something is going on with our little ones - epecially when we don't even know what it is! I'm glad to see that he is doing better now. Hope you get the results quickly today!

Sinead said...

Andrea, that's scary! I hope that he's doing ok today!