Monday, July 23, 2007

Serenity Now....

Happy 30th Anniversary to my parents today! Isn't that great?

Nate has been away at Camp this week.. but not me, I refused to go this year. It was just going to be way too hard with 2 little ones, porta potties, and nursing 6 times a day. And let me tell you, its been INSANE around here since Nate's been gone, LOL!

Starting Sat afternoon and ending last night, Seth had p.e.e.d on the couch twice, his bed once, and then when I stripped it, his mattress, and he has p.e.e.d all over himself 2 or 3 times. This is ALL due to his tantrums and being so MAD at stuff... like leaving the park or eating dinner. He also scratched the inside of his ear a couple days ago, and he's obsessed with putting medicine in it. Earlier I found that he had put some of the lavender bathroom sink soap into it... as "medicine."

(insert maniacal laughter and ripped out hair here)

Not to mention that Lucas is cutting teeth. I called Nate and informed him He Will Be Coming Home early, Wed or so.

In other news, Harry Potter arrived safe and sound at my house on Saturday. I've been reading a bit here and there when I can, and mostly before I turn in for bed, but I'm about 200 pages in, and already so engrossed. No worries, I will not post any spoilers, and I ask that there not be any posted, please!

I think that I am going to be running to the Outlets in a little bit. I'm going to see if I can't find any good Summer sales for clothes for next summer. I usually shop ahead like this... it saves money. I usually find great deals, Gap, Old Navy clothes for just a couple bucks each.

Tonight I am shooting 3 sisters, all the girls are in our youth group, and the oldest is headed off to college this fall. I can't wait! And not only them, I have planned 2 sisters and a brother (also older) this weekend.


JennStar said...

Oh my! I hear ya!! When Daddy leaves for an extended time, it's never peaches and cream for me, either! *sigh* Your title cracked me up- one of my good friends screams that when her kiddos are a handful for her! So I can just hear the loud "SERENITY NOW!"
We went to Old Navy on Saturday and I picked up 6 or 7 t-shirts for the boys (man, I love how easy it is to clothe them!) for $3 a pop!! I need a trip to our Outlet mall, too- see I told you that you should have hit the ones when you were in O-town! hehehe! But then it might not give you a chance to get out of the house today, so no loss!! :o)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like mommyhood in your house right now. I know how it is. My little girl has to get her baby shots next week for kindergarden and I am not looking forward to that at all. It was very hard with our son. I am going to mail your discount cards this week for Gap and Old Navy!
