Monday, July 30, 2007

No Mojo.....

I am frustrated with my scrapping lately. I just don't seem to have any mojo. I am so behind on Lucas' album, and Seth's is neglected too. I've been so busy with the boys lately, and life in general, and all I want to do is create a page.... or 10, LOL! So I scheduled yesterday afternoon as Scrap day.

I sat down. I opened pictures and scrap supplies.

I started 4 or 5 pages. I deleted them.


I just couldn't get going, couldn't "feel" the pages. So I did some shopping.... the new Shabby Princess stuff and some TDC stuff. Hopefully I can get some scrapping done this week. Its my goal. TWO pages. I promise!

Its funny though... the pages I have created in the last couple months.... they've been requested for publishing. I just had another request, from Digital Scrapbook Magazine, over the weekend for another layout of Lucas.

I also started designing a couple small things yesterday.... I'm just on a small roll there, LOL! I am so excited about the things I am releasing this coming Thursday!

Speaking of..... I'm actually pretty ticked... I found out that someone either a) hacked into my private online folder or b) shared the new links and people downloaded a bunch of my not-yet-released scrap designs.... Over $100 worth!

Hey People! If you didn't buy it, and I didn't personally give it to you, it's called stealing.

I've since deleted files and changed passwords and am now more aware.


On a lighter note.... Want a giggle? I came across this last night as I was surfing through JC Penney's....

BWAHAHAHA! Who invented THIS? And seriously.... does someone really wear their pants that high? And don't even get me started on the unflattering lines it must make the waistband leave under a shirt.....

****No offense to those who really do wear Suspend Hers. ;)


Monique said...

Wow, that's some product there! I can't imagine anyone wearing those suspenders... clipping to your bra?! Ugh!

Anyways, congrats on all the published layouts... I'm sure you'll find your mojo soon! WHen I'm in need of some inspiration I like to go challenge hunting or I browse through galleries... that always seems to get my juices flowing again.

Have a great day!

Anne said...

I totally hear you about wanting to scrap more! Hope you can get back into it soon!

Anonymous said...

ROFL at the Suspend Hers. That's hilarious!

Here's to getting your MOJO and I'm so sorry about someone hacking into your account. That's not cool. Hasn't happened to me yet. Crossing fingers!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your new stuff this Thursday! I will be buying! =)

Congratulations on all of your LO's that have been getting published. That's so exciting!

I'm so sorry people stole your stuff...thieves suck!

Hehehe...Suspend Hers...never seen anything like that! I can't imagine anyone purchasing those!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new stuff!

Congrats on the published los! i've been in a scrapping runt for a few days too.

LOL, i'ld like to see who buy those

busyizzie said...

Oh my who the heck wears their pants that big anyway?? More than having your pants hiked up to the middle of your chest being unflattering, I think that looking like you're wearing clown pants would be even worse.

Believe me, if I needed to hold my pants up that high, I think I'd just tuck them under my boobs and walk around like Erckle and say "did Iiiiiiiiii doooooooo thaaaaaat???" or "Gottttttttttt anyyyyyyyyyyy cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese?"

Seriously now, sorry that people are theives. That just sucks. Shame on you people!

Congrats on your call from DSM and good luck finding your mojo. I haven't found mine although I got my lightening fast laptop. If you find yours, send me some, ok?

Val said...

So I'm not the only one who deletes 1/2 finished layouts? I get so mad looking at them sometimes that I just pitch the whole thing, and then realize how much time I just wasted. Doh!

Angelina Schwarz said...

UUUUGH! Andrea, I can't believe somebody stole your stuff!!! That is just so WRONG!! :(

Congrats on the published layouts!

JennStar said...

Hmmm, are those to keep the bra down or the pants up?? That's a 1st for me! Although, that might make a fabulous white elephant gift at Christmas time. I'm always on the lookout for great white elephant gifts!!

20Birds said...

i really should delete those layouts going nowhere as opposed ot holding on to them and have them cloggin up hard drive space... lol

Anonymous said...

That sucks that someone would steal your stuff! I can't believe the nerve of some people. grr...

and re the Suspend Hers. Umm, my bra has enough to *hold up* without having to worry about my pants, lol!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I wear Suspend Hers - don't knock 'em til you try 'em! JUST KIDDING! HAHA Really, who wears their pants *that* loose & *that* high? Egads! That must be way uncomfortable. Thanks for the laugh, Andrea. The pictures are outstanding, btw :) Thanks for sharing.