OK, well here goes.....
To see web video's of messages or get free podcasts, go
HERE to the LIFE page.
We all got up early and met at the church Tuesday (the 3rd) morning. We had an 11 am flight from the Cleveland airport... we found tickets there cheaper than from the Pittsburgh airport.
Here is our group that went. Nate and I, and there were 6 teens. That was actually nice, b/c it was 3 teens to each of our rooms. And of course, Lil' Lucas went with us. We call our Youth Group Echo Student Ministries, thus the Echo on our shirts. (We strive to live like an "Echo" of Christ.)
all pics uncropped, and unretouched

Our Worship band of the week was a fantastic band called
The Swift. Excellent music, and very catchy. This picture was opening night. (I know I mentioned previously that this event usually has 30,000 kids... Nate told me I was mistaken. ROFLOL! Its really about 7,500 teens who attend. Still enough to fill a room, LOL!)

Here is our group in front of the "Theme Car". The theme this LIFE was "Vintage." Living the "Vintage" life, having vintage prayer and vintage worship. (Vintage meaning authentic... not necessarily old school, LOL!) The car was in this beg room filled with booths of C&MA affiliated colleges (Toccoa Falls {my alumni}, Simpson, Crown, and Nyack) various Missions organizations, Artist Booths and Vendors. The rest of the room was filled with overly large blow up toys for the Teens, plus basketball, and sumo wrestling, LOL!

In the picture below, most everyone has a Glow Stick. The message behind it was that... Often times God doesn't use you till you are broken for him... then you can "glow" for him. This was an amazing moment.
Here is my picture of meeting up with Jenn. What a sweetheart.... I'd have coffee with her every day if I could. I could totally see us being great friends IRL.

Here are my girls. We had such a fun time together. They were all "little mamas" and helped me tremendously with Lucas. We all giggled a lot... and watched a lot Disney channel, especially Hannah Montana. Sadly.... the show grew on me too, LOL! I'm kinda sad that we don't get the channel here at home. We are wearing our shirts we made special for the trip... handpainted with handprints, LOL!

Now these next pictures are Beyond AWESOME. We stayed in the Rosen Centre Hotel. Across the street was the Peabody Hotel. They have these famous ducks that swim in their lobby fountain. At 5 pm everyday, a red carpet is rolled out, and the ducks climb out of the fountain, march down the carpet, and climb into an elevator that takes them to their "Duck Haven" for the night. Isn't that wild?!?!

We were eating dinner one night at the hotel, and I noticed this cool picture on the wall. I just HAD to take Nate's pic sitting by it.... it almost looks like a window.. but I LOVE the Nathan's splashed across the top.

OK, this is my girl Mallery. Before Nate and I got married we worked in a Youth Group in our college town. Mallery was one of my first girls I worked with.... and at the time she was just starting 7th grade. Do you know how old it makes me feel to know that she just graduated high school and is about to start college herself? ACK! But, she is one of my all time favorite people ever! And we meet up every chance we get. I ADORE this girl!

This next picture is of the Poet/ Artist
Bradley Hathaway. He was very entertaining and his poems are wild... I know some people weren't that pleased with him, BUT I thoroughly enjoyed him. I'm still considering buying his
book/ CD.

And holy cow... this next guy... well he's called "The Acoustic Ninja" for a reason. I have never in my life seen someone play a guitar the way
Trace Bundy does. Just trust me... please check out his YouTube video playing
Dueling Ninjas... or
Pachelbel's Canon.... or
5 Capos ....
He just plays very unconventionally, and uses both hands... and sometimes his elbows, LOL!

Here's an upside down house. Just b/c its cool, LOL!

OK, now of course you know that the girls and guys got into it a little bit last week with little pranks. It started when the boys would call our room asking for the Golf Club, over and over. Well... long story short, "Someone" was able to score a key to the boy's room, and we papered them! LOL!
That was so much fun! I've actually never papered anyone before.
These pics were of the last night... the Swift's closing concert. Awesome!

And that is it with the pics.....
As for having Lucas with me, I'll admit it, it was kinda hard. His naps were too short and less frequent. I missed parts of services and worship b/c I was protecting him from the overly loudness, or he was fussy, or I was nursing. It was hot, and he's teething, so you can imagine. He also got up to eat earlier and earlier every day. Crazy kid! Our flight home was a nightmare b/c he tantrummed the first and last half hour of the flight. He was awake, and I think his ears bothered him.
I really enjoyed our trip, and I know all of our kids did too. At one point, LIFE took an offering of the students. Remember.... 7,500 teens. And they raised $114,000 for Africa Relief. Wow. We've already heard that the next LIFE will be in Louisville, 2010.