Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tag... I'm it!

I was just tagged by Priscilla, who now has her very own teeny Lucas.....

Random / Weird Facts About Me:

1. I cannot be in my house unless I am comfortably dressed. I will change into sweats, loose shorts immediately upon entering my house and heading to my room.
2. I really like Hannah Montana and Life with Derek on Disney (LOL P!)
3. I want a baby girl so bad, I can taste it! I need some pink and pierced ears in this house!
4. I love my new dentist and her receptionist (HI Beth!) I'd go and hang out with them and eat lunch with them if I could.. they are so cool and funny!
5. When no one is around... I may bust out a mean pirouette or plie in the kitchen....
6. squash makes me gag. I also hate cucumbers, but love pickles.
7. I love to rock the Sega Genesis with Seth... we are really good at Mickey Mania and The Lion King.

TAG! YOU are it.....

1 comment:

Heather said...

Number 1 is the running joke around here about me! It has been also known that immediately after dinner when my parents are over I will go get changed in my PJs and "pretend" that I am getting out of the clearing of the table. It really isn't that I don't want to clean up, but I can't clean up my house in anything other than comfy stuff!!! I swear this is how I gained weight - too many stretchy things!