Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Daddy's Day Weekend....

Camping was a blast and a success! Well.. if you discount the thunderstorm ALL of Friday night, LOL! We got into Rocky Gap State Park about 3 pm on Friday afternoon. Just as soon as we got the tent up, the rain just started pouring! The first night was difficult stuck with 2 kids in such a confined space. But the next morning was beautiful, and we went to the beach.

We had to return home Saturday afternoon, because Nate was preaching Sunday. And wouldn't you know... as soon as we loaded up the car to come home... down came the rain, again! Phew! We're talking about going again, soon, and for a longer period of time.

Father's Day Sunday was great! We had brunch at church, and Nate's message was sweet. We came home and after Lucas got up from his nap, we feasted on grilled fillet mignon and lobster tail! Nate insisted on grilling it himself, so who was I to argue? ;)

LOL, Lucas wasn't having much of photos that day, but my other 2 boys are handsome!

Our county suffered three HUGE water main breaks Sunday night, and we have been restricted in our water usage AND now we all have to boil water for the next 3 days due to contamination risks. I had to drive over to the next county, 3 store later, to find 2 gallons of drinking water. Soo... good times.


20Birds said...

:( to having to boil water... there have been some hard times in the US with the floods etc, hope this over quickly for you

Chloé said...

I hope the water issues are soon going to be over. The weekend sounds like a blast, though, glad you enjoyed it!

Stacey said...

Awesome blog, Andrea!!! Bummer to boil water - hopefully that will be done with very soon. I also checked out your store....beautiful!! And your photography is top-notch.

Theresa said...

Oh wow, Lucas is getting way too big WAY too fast! Glad to hear camping was a success, but sorry to hear about the water issues. I can't believe how much of the country has been devastated by the flooding.