Thursday, June 12, 2008

Super Ses....

My "Ses" is really into super hero's right now. He has this pair of Superman PJ's, complete with dashing cape, that he loves to wear ALL. The. Time.

Seth has entered a new phase... and its not one we like. He has started to "tell tales." He specifically called Nate a name the other night at dinner, that we BOTH heard... but for the next 10 minutes Seth changed his "tale" quite a few times. Its so sad, and it makes me nervous for the future, if he's already doing this now.

Speaking of wee beasties.....

All the kiddos are at home in their tank now. From left to right is Fox, Lola, Lil' Fella, & Grover. It really is fascinating to see them swim and eat. Its also neat to see the new creatures come out of our Live Rock... little hitchhikers!

This weekend we are going camping! How much fun! Tent, sleeping bags, S'mores and all. Seth is SO excited about this. I already have their Safety Tattoos set out to apply right before we leave, LOL!


The McKays said...

Safety Tatoos???

Mrs. Burns said...

Yep! Here you go~

Unknown said...

the fish are so pretty.

Theresa said...

Oh my gosh!!! Send him to my house. It is all Spiderman and super heroes all the time! It's gotta be a boy thing. You so totally need a little more estrogen in your house and some princess stuff!

Beautiful fish too!