Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I was tagged by Kim to tell 7 facts about myself, here goes:

Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

I used to be a very outgoing person , but in the last few years I have actually become pretty shy.

I am slightly OCD. I must have the same number of candy, chips, etc. And they must be an even number. For instance, I can't just eat 3 m&m's.... it must be 4.

I play the flute. I have played the flute for 18 years! I've played in Giant Stadium, Disney World, in the Wimbledon Center in London for the Queen, and Biltmore Estate. I currently lead a flute ensemble in my church.

I have 2 tatoos. I used to have 9 piercings... but now its down to 3 (today, LOL! ;)

I once did something so wild in college, I'm sure they'd revoke my diploma if anyone read it... being that it was a small Christian College. Get your minds out of the gutter! NOTHING like that! I can't even write it, b/c I'm sure some of my youth group girls read, ROFLOL! But if Steph Cooper reads this.... remember the drive to NY? With the BB guns and the mountains? BWAHAHAHA!

I married my college sweetheart, and he's the only man I have ever been with.

I think I have winter depression... I need sunshine to live happily, I think.

Tag your it:

Carrie Stephens
Kimberly Giarrusso
Melanie Colosimo
Sarah Petrie
Theresa Hernandez

OK, I know that's only 5... but if 2 more of you would like to do it, Awesome! :)


Kim said...

Two tatoos huh? I've got ya beat by 4 more, yikes! You played your flute for the Queen? WOW!!!!!! Oh by the way I have more digi scrapping questions, is my Elements 3.0 version going to work?

Anonymous said...

YAY tagged! Now I am off to update my blog.

Anonymous said...

Do I remember the NY trip...of course!- very fond memories, I can't say I have done anything like it since. Andrea, if nothing else, we will always have NY

Theresa said...

I finally managed to update my blog and respond to this:


Also? Multiple tats and piercings? Who would have guessed you'd out-decorate the party girl?!