Sunday, May 20, 2007

Miami, Part 1

Hello, Hello!

Sorry about that... I kinda left everything hanging, didn't I? Everything became so rushed and to the last minute, I hardly had time to breathe.

Monday we finally got the word that they were going to perform an autopsy of my Abuelo Monday evening, and that they weren't quite sure when his funeral would be. So to be safe I booked a flight at 7 am Tuesday morning, and planned on staying through Saturday so that I knew I would be sure to be there for the funeral.

Tuesday we were up and getting ready at 4 am, so that we could leave the house by 5, to be to the airport by 6. PHEW! Rush! I waited in a long security line, which surprised me for it being 6:30 am, but made it ontime to the plane. I had an hour layover in Cincinnatti, and then from there all the way to Miami.

Driving back to my Tia's I learned that my Abuelo had diabetes and a heart condition that together caused a hardening of his arteries. He died basically of a heart attack. We also found out that We (my parents had also just flown in) had just made it, b/c Abuelo's viewing/ funeral was that night.

Now, Cuban viewing/ funerals are very different from english ones. Usually at an english viewing, you stand in line, you say you are sorry for their loss, and then you go home. Cuban viewings are often 24 hours long, by my Abuelo's was only from 6 pm till 11 pm. And EVERYONE showed up, and stayed the whole time. It was kinda like a party.... without the food and laughter. At 10 pm my dad said a few words and then my tia's pastor gave a short message. We finally left about midnight, and by the time we got back to my tia's I had been up 22 hours.

It was really great to see family I hadn't seen in 5, 10, and 15 years. Many of them made comments about how much I'd changed and how beautful Lucas was... (I had to leave Seth home...) I heard a lot of "Aye que linda!" which is a spanish endearment for children and their cuteness, LOL!

(I'm not sure I've ever mentioned it... but my dad is 100% Cuban. Born there and all. My Abuelo brought the family over to Miami right before Castro came into power. I am 50% cuban, my maiden name is Lopez. I was fully bilingual as a child, and sadly just semi-bilingual now. My kiddos are now Quarter-cuban.)

My Abuelo was a special man... he only had a 6th grade education, and he really did accomplish some great things. He was able to build his own house here, and my grandparents were able to "pay the way" for other family members. Back in the 50's and 60's they paid around $2000 (a HUGE sum back then!) and then new family would be able to come over from Cuba, and then my Abuelo helped them build their houses here.

Thursday morning all of us went through some of his belongings and split some of the stuff up. It was neat to see his treasured photo album of us granddaughters (nietas) and then photos of the boys stuffed in. I was ble to keep an old work shirt of his, some photos and letters, and my favorite, his old beat up Bible. Its missing its cover, but thats OK. It makes me giggle because its a spanish catholic bible... and now an english protestant has it, LOL! I really love it though because he has a tab on the Book of Job. My Abuelo had some tough years, and he didn't think much of himself, so seeing that tab takes on a whole new meaning.

Well... I'll save everything else for a new post, all the happier stuff and photos. I was able to get in 2 amazing photo shoots of my Tia and her boyfriend and my cousin and her boyfriend on Miami Beach.

Its good to be home!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are home safely and glad that you were able to find a flight. We've been praying for you! What a sweet treasure to now have his bible! He sounds like he was a wonderful man and Abuelo! :o)

Laura said...

Hi Andrea, I'm glad to see you are back at home. Take special care of yourself and family - you need lots of extra hugs. Your grandfather sounds like a special guy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving us an update. I checked in everyday to be sure everything was ok. I can so relate to you. I also 100% cuban dad which you know. My grandfathers funeral a few years ago was the cuban way. The 24 hour veiling in the funeral home. It was like a giant party in my abuelos honor. I loved it. My tia's, tio's, primos and the extended family laugh and told story of my abuelo all night. It was a sort of bonding for us. Is it amazing how our abuelos came here with nothing to start a new life and give their children and their children a better life. I find that amazingly brave and I thank him in my prayers every night for having the courage to do that. I am glad you gto a chance to spend some days in Miami. Miami is such an amazing place and it holds a special place in the hearts of cubans. I think since is only 90 miles from the island they consider it close enough for them. I hope you were able to enjoy some good food. I am sure the beach was amazing as always and the weather wonderful. May god continue to bless you and your family during this time.
I look forward to seeing some pics from Miami when the time is right.
So sorry for the rambling jeje.
Till later,
Susie (aka sunshine)

Amanda said...

I'm so glad you had a chance to go say goodbye! And really glad to have you back too;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are home, and I'm sorry to hear about your Abuelo. When I go home it's normally for weddings or funerals, but at the same time, it's a joyous occasion to see family that you haven't seen in years.
I've been thinking about you and missed you!