Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Peanut Buttery Goodness~

O M G! I have to share!! I just had these cookies this weekend at an Open House, and they were to die for!

Pre-made PB cookie dough (I guess you can make your own)

Bite size snickers

All you have to do is take your cookie-size dough, and work it up and around the snickers~ and bake as directed!

Wowzers, these were really good~ the PB cookie had a nice soft chocolately, caramelly, and peanutty middle.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now you are just a tease!! PB cookies are my all time fave and these sound like they are TO DIE FOR!! Hmm maybe I can convince DH to do some more baking? ;-)

You blog is looking GREAT!

Merry Christmas!

~ Dani said...

Ok, must try these cookies!!!

Can't wait for Embellish - and I am with you, Nikon rocks...zalaine.