Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Stroller....

Do you realize how hard it is to actually find and see a double jogger in person? I've been anxious to get outside and exercise during the day, with the boys. The wagon was too cumbersome, and the Sit & Stand also heavy and hard to push up hills.

So I talked Nate into adding to our Stroller Arsenal. It adds to the Original baby carrier one, the Umbrella, the single jogger, and the Sit & Stand. All unique purposes, all still being used (minus the baby carrier one).

Take a look at our new InStep Double Jogger~

We had actually gone to 3 or 4 stores, including Toys R Us, and NONE had any in stock to look at and test. Nate and I can't afford the expensive Phil & Ted or Bob varieties, so those were out of the question. We found this one at Dick's Sporting Goods, for and excellent sale price! It even holds up to 100 lbs, another feature I wanted to make sure it had.

Yesterday I was able to get out and walk 2.5 miles with the boys, and it felt good! And once Baby #3 comes, Nate can push the double, while I take on the single, and the whole fam can get out.


Interested in a Photography Challenge? I have a new one up at TDC! Come participate!


Teresa said...

oh neat :)

I just put our BOB double jogger in a consignment sale :) if we were closer you could have had our $500 stroller for a bargain :)

Kelly said...

We looked into getting one a while ago and the only double jogger that Babies R Us had was so hard to push! I'm looking to get one when we move, a nice neighborhood with sidewalks and I need the excersize! lol

Angelina Schwarz said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Woohoo! Wow! Sorry it's taken so long for me to catch up with your blog. I am just so thrilled for you and Nate (and the boys, too!)

Frannie said...

You're going to need a garage for all of the strollers!! hah! Congrats on getting one. I wish we had one!

Anonymous said...

Excellent site! I was searching for some photography stuff and came across it. Nice work. :)