Monday, February 16, 2009

What a Week!

What a week I had last week!

I developed a nasty sinus cold. As if I wasn't already having a hard enough time with breathing. I think I'm coming towards the end of it now, but am still quite congested.

Friday morning was my 3 hour Glucose test. One gross drink and 4 blood draws later, it was done. I was nauseated the first hour, b/c I had to fast, and the room was hot.... I read through 5 magazines, and 100 pages of my book. I even took a 20 minute nap, LOL. The drive home was bad, I broke out into a full sweat and was shaking from lack of food. Then I couldn't stop stuffing my face.

I had my sweet Mother-In-Law & Sister-In-Law with her 3 kids here all weekend, and they left this morning. Talk about W.I.L.D. Nothing like 9 people, and 4 of them under the age of 8, all crammed into my townhouse. It was still fun, and oh so sweet to watch all of the cousins play and relate to each other. I got to shoot some sweet photos of my nieces and nephew... just wait till you see what I got!

Saturday night, Nate and I did Japanese Hibachi for Valentine's Day. Then we headed over to Barnes & Noble and shared some Mochas and Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake for desert.

Today our family left to go home, and I took advantage of Nate having the day off as well. I just got back from the Hospital and from getting my Rogam shot. (sigh) The 1 hour shot that somehow turned into most of my day. I'm quite done with long Doctor's appointments... I'm more than ready to get back to "nice and boring."

This coming weekend I have my Labor & Delivery Hospital Tour, and we start painting the nursery. "Cafe Pink." Sugar's dresser was delivered a couple days ago. Nate is currently assembling it and is going to paint it white, and I want to get pink glass pulls for the drawers. I scored at Target last Thursday when I found a white mirror. Upon checking out, it was on sale, and I saved over $20 on it! :)


Stefanie Eskander said...

How fun to discover your beautiful blog! You are an amazing photographer- (I took a peek at your photography blog too!) I hope to stop by more often!

Michelle said...

I hope you feel better soon. I am sorry you had to have the glucose tolerance test.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love Target? There's one on my commute and i swear my car pulls off the freeway all on its own.

Unknown said...

I'm glad your test turned out OK! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

oh these are good news! I am happy for you!
thanks for stopping by my blog. you asked about my car with the flowers on so I posted some pics now without the snow and I posted about the whole story LOL - you might wanna have a look here