Wednesday, May 07, 2008

PSA 02

Another tip to store away....

Make sure to look BOTH ways when you come to a stop sign... lest you run into a jogger.

***like I was... yesterday. Yup... I got hit by a car. LOL!

I had already stepped off the curb, when a car comes zooming up to the stop. He was looking right the whole time, and then started to drive and turn left, thus clipping me in my right thigh. I looked him straight in the eye and said "What the HECK is Wrong with YOU?!?!" He asked if I was OK, I waved him off, and he sped away. Two men were waiting at the Bus Stop at the opposite corner, and were just looking at me with their jaws to the ground, asking if I was OK. Scared me more than anything, and I am perfectly fine... but I swear, some people! And Nate wants me to run with Pepper Spray... LOL! Like that would have helped here, HA!


Kristy said...

eeek - that would shake you up a bit!!!! scary stuff!

The Mom Jen said...

O.M.G. I'm so glad you're okay! What an IJIT!

In this case you would have been better off with a big rock to throw at his window.

Kyla Armstrong said...

Oh my heck! Scary. That happened to me when I was in middle school. I was walking home from school and as I walked past a drive coming out a parking lot, a lady zoomed out and slammed on her brakes as I put out my hand - like I was going to stop her car! LOL My fingers got caught in her grill and they were pretty scrapped up. People need to slow down!

One Crazy Chick! said...

I'm glad you are okay.

When I was in the 4th grade I was at a laundry mat with my mother while on vacation. I had to use the restroom and we didn't think there were any where we were. So, I ran over to the gas station.

Upon my return I stepped off the curb (after looking in a directions - it was a four way) and the second my foot hit the ground it was run over by a car.

I was fine but hello! I few more feet and I would have been toast.

Anyway, glad you are ok!

Emma said...

Wow that is so scary and glad that you weren't hurt!! There are loads of people who shouldn't be driving!!

Tori said...

Girl that is a hit and run, I would report him!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are okay! That is very scary. I read yesterday that someone hit a baby stroller with a little baby in it yesterday in Columbus! The mother was waiting to cross the road I believe and got hit, the driver never stopped! Its in the news.


Being Mrs Miles said...

Like don't you wish you had had an AIRHORN? THAT would have shook him up. I'm so glad your ok. What annoys me to NO end is when owners let their large dogs out and they bark and growl at you the whole time... sure some of them are not mean, but how the heck do we know that???

Amanda said...

That really doesn't surprise me. People just don't pay attention when they drive. Although on the other side of the coin, we've had someone on the sidewalk hit us. We were stopped to make a turn out of a parking lot in DC and a biker came zooming down the hill and hit our front fender and went over the hood. Oh yeah, and we'd just picked DH up from the airport. Welcome home.