At four weeks I find you more advanced than your brothers were... you are already cooing just a bit, and you are socially smiling. You don't mind tummy time one bit, you just lay there and look at everything all around you.
I love having a daughter. It is different than having sons. For one, it is more fun to dress you. I love knowing that I have a built in mall buddy and pedicure pal. I am already thinking about piercing ears and dreaming about prom and wedding dress shopping...
You are sleeping pretty well. You eat for the last time around 10 pm, and then go to sleep around 11. You don't get up till 4, and once you've had your fill, you fall right back to sleep till we start our day at 7 am.
I love you, I love how you complete our family, my heart is full.

not much in size difference, but check out how Audrey's thighs have chunked!

and some sweet smile to leave you with...

OMGoodness! The I love the hair... And, you're right, girls are different from boys. :)
Oh my she's so cute Ms Andrea. Masha'Allah! May God always save her. Kisses! Happy 1st MoBday Baby Audrey!
She is just beautiful, as I knew she would be. Little girls are wonderful, enjoy every minute of her girliness! I know you will...
What super fun those boys of yours look to be having. Your darling girl is growing more beautiful each day...if that is possible. She really is a cutie pie.
Check out all of her hair! She's gorgeous!
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