Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Headaches stink. Seriously. I've battled a migraine all week. I wake up in the morning with a knife stabbing me straight through the head over my left eye. I'm nauseas and any light or noise makes me want to hug the john. I do get these from time to time, but usually I can medicate them away by the afternoon. This migraine has been particularly nasty. I can medicate *most* of it away, but there is this dull throb still lingering.

Maybe today will be better!


Michelle said...

I am so sorry about the migraines. I have migraine problems too and they are horrible. I hope they end soon.

Anonymous said...

I have migraines as well. It's not any fun at all. Hope you feel better soon!

Patricia Hodge said...

I'm so sorry you have a migraine. I have had bad ones like that before. Have you called your doctor yet? Mine would have me come in for injections when it got that bad and my migraine meds weren't helping. The injection usually took care of it although sometimes I would need more than one. Migraines are no fun.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so sorry - I get migraines too, so I feel your pain! HUGS to you!!

candy said...

I have migraines too , so i know how you feel,i hope you feels better soon and sending you a big hugs !

Thena said...

Ohh, I can sympathize with you. I had spinal headaches for a long time after DD was born and I take anyone's headaches seriously now. I now how awful they can be.

Saying a little prayer that you will feel better right away and stay that way.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better today. I hate it when they just seem to linger around.
I just sent you the code. Enjoy. :o)

Anonymous said...

I know how it feels!! If it doesn't go away soon def call the MD. It's not good when they linger around. I'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I was getting 2 migraines a month and started taking vitamin b supplements and have not had a headache in 3 weeks! Def something to look into if you get them a lot! HTH!

Angelina Schwarz said...

Hope you're feeling better today. I get those too. They're awful...

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better. I am a weeny when it comes to even small headaches.

Anonymous said...

I've dealt with severe ones for about 7 years now. At one point they were once a week or more. I upped my B vitamin levels and it helped tremendously, but I still have meds for them. Preventitive meds never worked well for me. Good luck Andrea, I know they stink.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried acupuncture for your migraines? It works very well, doesn't have any side effects and doesn't hurt (seriously). You should find a good acupuncturist in your area. I've helped enough people become migraine-free that I think it's something every migraine sufferer should consider.