Saturday, September 08, 2007

All Swirly Whirly....

My emotions are all swirly whirly today.

We still aren't sure what's happening with Sadie.... but we are still in talks with a couple people.

My stress level is way up high..... and its affecting other things in my personal life.

Seth is having more and more melt downs, and listening to Mama less and less.

My house is a disaster zone and its driving me bonkers.

I swear I see a couple wrinkles under my eyes.

T-Minus three days and counting....


Jenna said...

Andrea- HANG IN! Moving is horrible but you'll get through it. And Seth is having a completely normal reaction to change. That doesn't help you deal with it any better, I know. But it'll be ok. My little girl is doing the same thing following her switch to private school from public. Trust in your decisions and HANG IN THERE!

Kim said...

Andrea, it seems so unbearable now but with time, it will get better. Landen doesn't evr seem to want to listen to me and it is so frustrating but it's all in their age, ya know?