Monday, November 10, 2008


Over the latter part of the week my lovely in-laws came for a visit. It was the first time they've come to visit since we've moved and I was so excited to show them around town. My Father-in-Law's health is doing much better. He is over the hill, and on his way to a complete recovery.

We took them to Washington DC on Friday, their 2nd time there, but it had been 15 yrs. We went to the International Spy Museum, and then trekked it over to the White House. I've lived in MD for 20 yrs, but it was also my first time outside the gates. They are already working on building the Inaugural Stand, concrete and everything.

Saturday they left, and I had a full 2 hr shoot with 3 awesome kids. This is a repeat family for me, I shot them at a Portrait Party last March... they are unique and a riot. Yesterday I had a 3 hr shoot with a newborn, and I am just plain tuckered out.

Yesterday I also caught my thumb nail on our GPS unit, and ripped off my nail 1/3 of the way up the nail bed. OUCH, so I am missing a bunch of nail, and it is sooooore.

Last week I also switched out my normal clothes for my maternity clothes. The shirts are still big for me, but I really didn't feel like switching out to my winter wardrobe, just to switch out again to maternity in a few weeks. I'm already 16 weeks! Isn't this pregnancy going SO FAST? I will be taking a belly shot this week, I promise. I do have a bit of a bump. I had another DA last week, and gained *just* another 2 lbs in the last month. Good for me! Another boring, uneventful visit, but we did schedule our gender ultrasound for Dec. 5. Now just to decide to share the news right away... or make everyone wait till Christmas. ;)

Today I edit. And Edit. And edit some more.... lol. With a bit o' laundry mixed in.


Laura said...

Oh, congrats on your pregnancy! Such an exciting time. I hope that your inlaws enjoyed the visit. Good luck with the laundry. ;)

Mary said...

Congrats on your pregnancy and yeah dont' swtich out lol.

Ouch on the nail I've done that before. I t must be so exciting to live so close to DC you'll get to catch all that action up close, if you go in person ;)
Oh and the photos below are stunning and so sharp I hope to one day get some like that, I can dream right.

Creative Junkie said...

We were in Washington earlier this year and went to that spy museum. I thought it was OK, but my husband and his co-workers got a kick out of climbing through that exhaust pipe thing on the ceiling.

I didn't know you were pregnant! Once again, I am in another zip code from the loop. Congratulations!

Juli Fish said...

Sounds like you've been one busy lady Andrea! I always felt so much more into my pregnancy once I started wearing the clothes. Of course at the end I was dying to wear normal clothes - LOL! Enjoy these days and I can't wait to hear what you are having. Glad everything is going well!

Anonymous said...

I think you should wait until Christmas and give gifts that somehow reflect the answer! :)

Meghan said...

Make them wait!! I waited last year and just from personal experience opening the envelope on Christmas day was amazing and is something you will never forget!! (DH and I didn't know gender beforehand either..we had the Dr put it in an envelope and I wrapped it in a box and stuck it under the tree w/out peeking)

Ouch on the finger! Hope it heals quickly