Twenty-three years ago I had the pleasure to attend the 7th birthday party of a set of boy/ girl twins. My family was new to the Methodist church, and this was another young family within the church with kids just a year older than I.
Saturday I was beyond excited to attend their 30th birthday cookout!
Growing up, our houses were interchangeable, my two sisters and I playing with "our brother and sister who worked in the circus." (Yes, that is actually what we told people. LOL!) They had a great pool, and let's face it... Courtney had fabulous Barbie dolls. We did hay-ride trick-or-treats together every year.
When I was 10, my family moved an hour and a half away. We still saw them a couple times a year after that, but in High School it fell to once a year or so.
College came and went and we saw each other just every year. Then I went and got married, lived too far away, and hadn't seen any of them in years, the last time when Seth was just 4 months old.
Walking into their house Saturday was a rush of old times and it was just so easy. It was like we hadn't missed any time at all. All of us laughing and reconnecting... again, it was just so easy. Life had come full circle as we watched Seth and Briana (Courtney's oldest daughter) playing together and racing around the house.
Lucas wasn't feeling well, so we had to leave a bit early, but not without promises to see each other again soon.